That was one hell of a buildup, the main melody is divine as well. A final battle or the start of getting back on their feet again I suppose? Either way, one hell of an epic orchestral piece, keep on rocking. :D
That was one hell of a buildup, the main melody is divine as well. A final battle or the start of getting back on their feet again I suppose? Either way, one hell of an epic orchestral piece, keep on rocking. :D
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :)
Sounds mellow yet dark. Gives off a feeling of meeting a villain for a second time and actually fighting them that time around. I really dig this tune, cannot wait to hear more tunes, hopefully for the game. Did they ask you to make other tracks too?
Happy to hear you enjoyed it! I am not sure what the intentions are towards the rest of the game so cannot say for sure if i will be making more tracks as of yet. Although i will update this with more information regarding the game when i have it :)
Very energetic and happy track. Not hearing much that I feel could be changed or improved on.
Thank you, Neko! It was a therapeutic piece to produce.
Sounds pretty damn good for a boss theme, you can hear bits and pieces of Megalovania leaking into the song here and there but the most part, the song is still very intense and makes you feel like you are in for a rough time with this boss fight.
Thank you :D
Ended up zoning out to this song. It has such an atmospheric lull to it that feels like you are walking through an old kingdom while searching for items to help with spells and witchcraft, I like it.
I'm definitely glad that you got the vibe I was going for with this one, thank you!
Not a bad tune but the claps clash with the tune and ruin it. Could have tried experimenting and looking at other sounds to replace the claps or added a filter to the claps to allow it to fit in better.
Thanks for the response I know im not the best at this, there's just more for me to improve on i guess
Not a bad start to the podcast series. All I recommend is that Fro / CoachFro buys a pop filter for his mic, and he should be all set for sounding more professional.
Thank you for the feedback. We will definitely work on the quality for the future episodes. Thank you for listening!
Relaxing The tune gradually builds to a point and sticks to it. I feel the bass kick could use a little reverb but not too sure why I feel that way about the bass kick. Keep up the amazing work.~
I actually had some reverb with the kick at first but thought it drowned out the ambience of the reverb in my melody a little too much. Maybe I could have approached it differently, though. I sometimes over-reverb my songs so I tried to contain myself with this track haha.
Thank you so much!
Damn is this a nice mix. The tunes of a 90s video game or sci-fi anime with the vocals that sound an awful lot like 2D from the Gorillaz. Not hearing anything that I feel could be improved in the long run, maybe having the vocals volume increased by 1%?
Dope! I'll make sure to tweak that! Thank you so much!
Jungle Drum and bass is always a nostalgic trip it seems. Is that the Windows 98 startup being sampled by the way? Always nice to hear how people can make use of such an old audio piece and give it new life. Also, what are the edited vocals meant to say?
The pad/piano sample actually isn't from the 98 startup, but now that I'm listening to it again, it absolutely sounds like it LOL
It's from this: - I took the audio directly from the stream because I didn't wanna bother looking for a soundtrack rip for a wicked obscure game LOL you can even hear the clicks from the stream in the song if you listen for them
And the vocals aren't really meant to like.. say much at all? They're just kinda there for texture. It's sampled from this song which, by the way, is a killer track.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05