This sounds so fucking awesome dude. Tune sounds perfect, got a new fan, can't wait to hear more! :D
This sounds so fucking awesome dude. Tune sounds perfect, got a new fan, can't wait to hear more! :D
Thanks so much!! I'm glad you like!!
I like how this sounds. Makes me feel like a character is realizing that even if their powers are ordinary that they can still make a huge difference in helping others. Awesome tune~
Thank you for your review, NekoMika! :)
Well, the lyrics are certainly interesting and would not be out of place for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I assume the tune is based on the one from the movie, also, is that Kagamine Len that is singing? :o
Thank you!!
You know a lot! Kagamine Lin/Ren are the second work of Crypton and she, Megurine-Luka, is the third work (So there is a number "02" in Kagamine's shoulder and "03" in Megurine's shoulder). At that time, Luka was one of the few bilingual singers who can sing both English and Japanese, and this is one of the reasons why I bought her.
Reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy I and V boss music, would not be out of play for an XIV raid boss either. I feel like this would be a song that gets played during a final boss battle in the game. I hear bits of Battle on the Big Bridge from time to time too.
Thank you for your kind words! I really like the music from all of the Final Fantasy games. My favourite tracks being from VII and VI. I found a lot of inspiration in Nobuo's earlier works, as well as some from Beethoven, and Disturbed.
Thanks again for listening! Glad you enjoyed it. :)
This is some nice indie rock music. It just needs some vocals added to it honestly, keep making good tunes. :D
Thanks you!
This is a good tune, sounds like something to enjoy while going for an early morning or late afternoon drive and just taking in all the scenery around you.
It's definitely suitable for just taking in the moment, I agree 100%! Check out the rest of my music if you get a chance, I get that comment on a lot of the things I make! I'm releasing an album and it's currently available for pre-order!
Reminds me of old hentai games, RPG games, and 90s anime I grew up watching. A very nostalgic tune I suppose would be the right way to say it? I like the fun uplifting sound of the song but I assume by the song name, this would probably fit in a rom-com sci-fi anime where someone is gaining doubt over their significant other or something? Fun tune to hear regardless, I like it.
haha, thanks!
I like this. Feels like the ending of an anime and this plays while the credits roll and show the aftermath and the planet finally starting to heal from all the chaos, nice tune.~
Thank you!~ and as for the Feels you got, I can agree aswell! :D
Song title fits the song well. The bass gives a very good feeling of anxiety and being unsure of how to handle things currently. The echo on the synth is fitting and pretty damn anxious as far as sounds go. No distracting drums or anything, I think you did a good job on this one.
thank you Mika <3
Reminds me of both Final Fantasy 7 and Playstation 1 racing games like Need for Speed, Gran Turismo, and Top Gear. The little sound effects here and there make me think of speed boosts. Not hearing anything that I feel could be improved upon, amazing work, new fan. :D
Thanks! It's a little more Ridge Racer-inspired though since it's got my favorite soundtracks.
Glad you liked it and I hope you enjoy my future tracks!
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05