Highly interesting
Nice to see the story is almost coming full circle and almost complete I think. Funny how the shadow creature died because it absorbed Tricky the Clown, wonder why they were unable to mix together and I assume that Tricky knew the shadow thing at any earlier point too since I seem to remember it from episode 5 appearing near the end right?
The animation here was quite fantastic and I enjoy the minor details rather than all of it going to them getting slaughtered. The little fans spinning and changes in perspective for a couple of moments make it pretty nice too. The blood was nice this time around since a few of them had yellow blood for some reason. Wonder why the henchmen always fight if they know they are going to be getting killed anyways.
The audio used was custom made just for this piece and I think it transitions nicely with the change in scenery every half minute anyways. The tune had some nice little laughs in it and nearing the end with the final battle was pretty cool.
The storyline is pretty sick since it picks up where 9 left off with them beginning to fight the shadow creature once more in this piece. I found that to be nice and it created pillars and fled since it was unable to take control of Hank or his ally since Hank had the keystone imbued into his arm which started to act up halfway through and damage it before the final battle.
They soon make their way up and the creature grows desperate absorbing everything there. Tricky is last to be absorbed and says "OH GOD NO", before getting absorbed. Funny how Tricky being absorbed was what would kill it off and make it explode. I guess I shall wait until episode 11 to see if it or Tricky survived since I always found Tricky to be quite an interestingly maniac character.
I think it would probably suck if the Jesus character brought them both back and fused them to be compatible somehow because then Hank would likely have to spend more time trying to kill it off. That would probably not be very fun at all.
Overall, another amazingly violent yet incredible piece in the Madness Combat series, looking forward to part 11 in the future.