Quite funny and amazing
This actually was rather brilliant and funny actually, nice job making this as well.
Animation: The animation looks as if it took awhile since everything was constantly in motion for each frame. Enjoyed how you put detail into changing the mummy instead of constantly just recycling the same piece over and over again. Strangely I had no idea robots like that were fitting for something like this?
Audio: Sounded a tad bit like something from HORSE the band but it isn't. Is it Nintendocore? Feels rather fitting in this piece, nice.
Storyline: Game starts, the archeologist finds a gem and the mummy awakes. It somehow magically floats up to the skies where something flings a snake at it and it's bat thing eats it. Something destroys it leaving it at zero lives and it walks along getting another power up turning its hands into some kind of knives as it kills the rat, it comes to the robot and gets demolished. Game over.
Overall: Nice little piece, could have possibly been a bit longer though, nice job.
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