Nice ending
Nice to see the trilogy finally closes up and ends on a good note with this piece being the final of them. Ironic how the one dark one he created to destroy the other ends up helping him as they both finally get freedom from the computer user. Kind of makes me think of Tron in a weird as well. Lot of good parts too, nice to see it has a time bar at the bottom as well so users can re-watch any part or simply pause the flash without right clicking it.
The animation was great and to be honest there are not a greatly large amount of good stick movies anyways. Nice to see how it takes a twist with the stick figures fighting against the one who made them while they played solitare. Then after cornering the dark one, he offers friendship as they destroy everything on the person's computer.
The sounds and storyline were really nice on this one. Nice to see how you used some of the more modern computer icons here such as Chrome, mincraft, and a few others as well. Kind of funny how that Minewsweeper game was the turning point as well.
Overall, a very well done finale to the Animator versus Animation trilogy.