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I found this tune to be quite fitting of Luna I think. She simply grew to despise daylight and forgot herself. I think you did good on this piece. Great tune!!

Truly Funky

I am pretty much speechless here SineRider, this is one completely spaced out and funky piece. Should try to make more pieces like this one I think. If yo ucan make a funky piece this good then I think you could show some promise in making deeply funky pieces.


Great remix of one strange European guy. The sax is quite catchy though.

Sounds great

Once again another good piece as usual. I really like the tone to this one actually. Kind of has a feel as if it once meant to give you hope with the lyrics and all. Very charming and swift.

The drums sound very pleasing here and keep a good pace which is enjoyable. Enjoy the little things on the drums too. Maybe add in a drum fill or two every now and then for fun.

The guitar sounded splendid here. It kind of carries a great alternative rock feel to it. The solo was short but very sweet so very nice work there too.

The vocals were very nice and solid here. The only bad thing is at some parts it gets way too loud, pretty obvious since it is the main chorus where it starts out a bit too loud. Oh well.

Overall, great piece, good luck in the music industry.

Review Request Club

Sawdust responds:

Haha thanks a lot man.


The drums and slight synth at start are kind of strange. then the drums pick up some new pieces to play with and continue with it. Then the full song eventually comes into play after a bit. the beat itself is just kind of weird to me.

The wet sounding synth is just very strange to me and kind of makes me think of someone using a toilet sadly. Then the secondary synth is kind of like a seesaw as it goes up and down constantly then changes to a main electric sounding piece.

The drums were very cool here and start with one piece. Then it switches up to sounding a lot more like techno drums with the rapid pace and everything.

Overall, creative and strange.

Review Request Club

ReklessCreati0n responds:

I always look forward to your reviews, you always find a way to find my music creepy in a way haha! I take it as a compliment haha! Thanks for the reviews!

Guitar :C

This song would sound a lot better had you left out the guitar actually. I think this piece can suffice without it, you got everything needed for a great boss tune.

Guitar just kind of kills it.

The synth sounds great here and I like the rhythm it keeps up with providing as well. It kind of emphasizes that this could be the last battle you will ever have too.

The bass sounds very nicely worked here and is a good backbone. The drums sound quite epic as if the boss was incredibly difficult.

Overall, just remove the guitar and it sounds great.

Review Request Club

MeteorManMike responds:

Some mixed reviews about the guitar... It continues to elude me. I'm thinking maybe just a different guitar? Another instrument entirely? It seems kind of empty without it, especially the beginning. I'll figure something out. Thanks for the review!

Sounds alright

Not something I truly care for though sadly. This remake also sounds a whole lot better than the original.

The noises, bass, and drum like sound are all very calming as well. I think this could do well for a game where you are in the mines I think.

Overall, better than original.

Review Request Club

Nice voice

This sounds like one of those voice people for those sports teams. It kind of annoys me every now and then since if I were to want to watch a sport I would want to watch the team without some voice distracting me. Wonder if the players ever get annoyed and distracted by it.

I think you sounded great here though. A whole lot of enthusiasm.

Overall, great job!!

Review Request Club

Coop responds:

I'm not sure they'd get distracted by it - that was my impression of an actual radio commentary on a New York Yankees game in the 1970s or 1980s

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

Age 31, Female

Joined on 7/19/05

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