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This was a pretty great beat and I like how it has a feeling of getting you pumped up and ready for a party or maybe playing at a live show and the sorts and enjoying the crowd and other people around you. Then the dub sounds kick in and they sound rather tame.

The dub sounds were calm and soft like a cat playing around I think. The synth sounded rather pleasing and was quite calm too. The bass was great and sounded a bit like a background effect sound where it would rise and then fall in sound. The drums sound great here and liked the rhythm they produced.

Overall, great dubstep piece, very nice loop.

Review Request Club

SirSirius responds:

Thanks a lot for your review! Makes me happy you enjoyed it :)

Well this sounds something like it could be a boss song for that one weird boss you have no idea on how to beat because they have strange attacks and keep getting more and more deformed as the battle goes on making it all the more harder.

The main synth sounds pretty nice and light while a secondary one plays and give that fast rapid shooting feeling like the boss was spitting something at you but you have no idea what it is. The bass is solid and really keeps the beat up here so great there. The drum beat is also nicely done.

Overall, pretty swell 8-bit song.

Review Request Club

SuperBastard responds:

Thanks for the review!

Well this was an interesting mix of techno and metal being put together to make one solid song. If it had lyrics this could be a lot more interesting too.

The synth guitar was pretty sweet here and mixed with the guitar gave a nice crunchy tone to the song. The keyboard was nice and somehow reminded me a bit of Guitar Hero too. The bass was solid and helped the song move along and gave that backing beat that the song needs to be able to finish up and keep on going.

The drums here sound excellent and have a smooth rhythm to them giving a feel of being played live.

Overall, nice mix of techno and metal.

Review Request Club

This one felt rather impressive and I liked the flow of the beat. Sounded like something from a fast paced side scrolling game which was pretty nice as you continue on through a forest shooting lasers at baddies and the such keeping you from finishing a level.

The bass was smooth here and I could hear it keeping a triplet beat pattern for the whole song which was pretty nice. The main synth had a nice and soft pace to it giving the feeling that there will be tough moments but you will be able to complete the level and beat the boss at the end. The drum beat remained simple and at times made the song feel fast paced.

Overall, nice level/race song. Very enjoyable.

Review Request Club

silverblazebrony responds:

Thanks! :b

When I've completed the new version of this song, I'll post it up for comparison. It will most likely be a bit longer, with a few changes to the drums(add crash and tom drums). But over all It will keep the melody and structure. the main chorus will for sure be staying the same, maybe have a couple tweaks here and there to ad some variant to it. but it'll stay pretty much the same.

Thanks for the review! You guys are awesome! :D

I like how this seems to be really neat as a song, sounds a bit repetitive but still nice nonetheless.

The synth has a slight echo delay effect that I can hear which is really swell. Then the drums have some nice sounds going and give a feel of going off to a party or simply walking and being able to enjoy the day which is just great. The bass is light in the back and pushes the main synths forward to make the beat so much more powerful.

The up and down wavy effect I hear in this song gives a nice calming atmosphere too.

Overall, this song is just really nice to listen to.

Review Request Club

BuggMusic responds:

Haha, I enjoy all of your imaginative analogies for songs. Sorry about repetitiveness, will watch out for that next time. Thanks for the review!

Very ambient feeling and retro track. Feels like something I would hear while playing Donkey Kong Country for some reason actually or maybe Metroid Prime too. The song has a really nice feel yet makes you think there is no cloud in the sky as you smile at the sun bringing warmth.

The chiptune sound I hear is nice and I like how it rings for am oment when each note finishes. The latter when you added a copy of the main chip channel and made it reverse notes was rather neat since it gave a feel of going in reverse at the same time strangely. The bass was soft and comforting on the ears too. The classical sounds are also nice.

Liking how the drums have a sort of tribal running feel to them like your quest to reach the skies never ends as you keep going higher and higher meeting new people and gaining new abilities.

Overall, very beautiful song and I liked it a lot!

Review Request Club

This actually sounds pretty nice, deadmau5-ish? Sounds pretty good to me anyways. Liking how it remains party styled and gives the feeling of just raving the night away while mixing in a bit of classical dancing to it at the same time so it works out really nice too I think.

The synth sounds pretty awesome and liked how it gave that blasting feel as if encouraging people to get up and dance and just have fun. The glitch sounds later are pretty sick, let me guess, gross beat? That's probably my favorite plug in I've found in FL Studio so far too, gives some greatly awesome sounds to whatever pattern you have it set for which is just awesome.

The synth has a classical yet dancing feel to it making it remain very happy. The drums sound like a really simple pattern of just a hi hat and a couple of kicks layered together which is pretty sick here. The bass line remains calm at the same time so wonderful work there.

Overall, really nice work here.

Review Request Club

Has a calm and playful feel as if reliving the joy of seeing snow the first time and being able to go out and play in it all day even though you feel numb by the end of the day realizing it was still fun to be out in it and just playing. Great times. Very calm and nostalgic piece of music.

The crystal sounding piano has a nice little rhythm that holds up for the whole song that works out most wonderfully. The bass sounds like a pad sound that is meant to be light in volume and provide an atmospheric bass to the song which is really nice to hear. The secondary synth that comes on provides a playful feel. Then the third one has a real up feeling tune to it as well.

Overall, playful and nice song.

Review Request Club

56325 responds:

Thanks SCTE3, I love the feeling you gave to it, I was aiming for something along those lines :D

Glad you liked it!

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