This was quite funny.
The lyrical style of Parry Gripp has always reminded me of Weird Al for some reason. Only difference being he has less of a squeaky voice than Al and tends to sound more forceful when he sings which makes me happy.
The animation was pretty good. The characters seem a bit boring looking and focuses more on facial expressions. I guess you drew in this style since drawing a full character, hair, clothes, details and all for more than a few frames takes more time than you want to be used right?
The vegetables looked pretty simple yet nice. I also enjoy vegetables but can't stand the taste of some vegetables such as beets or asparagus. Song kind of reminds me of an earlier song that someone else animated on here (Do You Like Waffles?). Nice to see that years later, people like you still enjoy animating his tunes.
The backgrounds were also good. Only really glaring issue I felt was with the brick wall for some reason. Not sure why but it felt slightly off to me for whatever reason. I can let it slide on animating the inside of his mouth since I imagine that would be putting in far more detail than what is really needed for a music video.
The audio is Parry Gripp, not much more needs to be said there. Kind of sad how he stopped doing "Song a Week" after a year. However, I imagine making a song every week was a lot of work.
Overall, very nicely done music video.
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