Loved this animation a lot, would be nice to see more episodes of this since this seems like a pilot episode teasing for a series. ^_^ Fantastic music too, can feel the raw emotion with it. <3
Loved this animation a lot, would be nice to see more episodes of this since this seems like a pilot episode teasing for a series. ^_^ Fantastic music too, can feel the raw emotion with it. <3
Thanks, NekoMika. Yep made the film as a teaser or a series. I'm releasing a comic next year, and currently got a Kickstarter going to fund an 11-Min Animatic Pilot! .
You can find more of Brandon and Mai's music collabs on sound cloud:
Looks fantastic as always. Kind of wish it was slightly interactive as in if the mouse moves it moves the screen a little bit but not by much.
Ohhh, that would've been a nifty feature! I'll consider adding something like that one day!
Thank you!~
Beautiful yet incredibly sad love story. The more he tries to make things right, the worse things get... but despite everything; Kyra still loves Donovan and keeps encouraging to try everything he can to save her somehow.
I can tell you all really put your HEARTS into it indeed. I imagine this took a few months to make and cleanup the animation, making sure everything flowed together perfectly with the music. Hopefully you all can work on more stuff together in the future. I think you all made a great team in putting this together.
Kind of curious what happened after the end, but I think this is one of those cases that it might be best to just leave it a bit open ended as to whether he manages to heal her or not. ;-;
I do have a few ideas as to where it goes, but I don't wanna spoil anything! hee!
seriously tho thank you SO much for the lovely comment, it was a ton of work and comments like these really put into perspective how gratifying it was!
also you got their relationship just right!! it warms my heart when people refer to them by name <3 thank you so much!
Not too bad for a short sketch. Keep practicing and getting better. Here's hoping your next animation will be much better.
Thank you! I hope to improve as well!
Almost feels like a story is being told, calming and so peaceful too. Great choice for music as well.
Thank you very much! ✨
Overall, somewhat humorous. Also, to answer a quick question; the fedora is from an incredibly early design they had of Mr. X during the production of the original Resident Evil 2. The more you know. :D
Even though this is short, the animation is really damn good. I wonder what this could have been like if it was made to be longer. I did get a laugh at the choice in credit music, I think we can all say Resident Evil: Director's Cut: Dualshock Edition's soundtrack was a total trainwreck, lmao.
Thank you my dude! I did kinda rush this really hardcore. But with his fedora, I know it came from concept art but I'm just wondering how he not only obtained his hat but how it stayed on. If they have him enter like in the original via capsule plopped down by a chopper, it would come off while descending. Maybe he just finds it or he has another way of popping into the story...I just have many questions.
Also with the director's cut soundtrack...yeah the basement music is terrible but compare the music for the Black Tiger fight. Tbh, it's worse than the basement.
Will have to agree with Cyberdevil, the logo in the top-left makes it hard to tell what tools you are using or switching to. For the logo in the corner I would recommend either making it somewhat transparent but still visible (prevent other people from taking credit for your videos) or moving it to the lower left corner where it will be less of a distraction.
Only other thing I recommend is lowering the volume of the music as even with my headphones at around (20%), it still turns out to be very loud.
Thank you so much! Definitely something I keep in mind when I Make another video I like your idea about the transparency the logo. I’m just uploading my oldies on here atm.
With my headphones It didn’t seem too loud another thing I keep in mind when I do make a new one.
Thanks again for the feedback really appreciate it ^^
Seems alright but way too short for a teaser in my opinion.
Something that should be changed in the future is the font size. It needs to be smaller to fit the "three lines of dialog" theme that Undertale and Deltarune have. Also, splashing in some color can make a huge difference in how this looks.
Hope the next teaser is longer and perhaps will expand a bit on what is going on.
Well good news, I just finished the full video... which is actually more like a proper teaser. You’ll see it on pixel day!
Way too short but it was pretty funny. Should have expanded on this and made it longer. I could see Monika staring at the other three Dokis and wondering what they are even trying to do.
Originally it was supposed to be longer, but thought the joke could be played out within the 10 seconds I made. Plus fan arts isn't something I like to do often, either, so I wanted it to be done and move on to the next thing. :)
Padoru Padoru!!
This meme never seems to get old, great work animating the background and character. :D
Thank you! I'm very new to this and I'm happy with the results!! IThis is also a great meme
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05