In playing this, the intro is just waaaay too long in my opinion. The text should scroll roughly 7% faster so it will not feel as drawn out.
The Lucario at the title screen has more of a look of confusion and in playing this game, I have become equally confused at what is even going on in this game at all.
The music seems like it is straight out of an early 90s action film.... which seems misleading as there is not much fighting, action scenes, or anything happening really.
The gameplay itself is simple, click dialog boxes to advance the plot and get one of several endings. I would change one thing though, fix it so when someone clicks on a textbox before the text finishes; that it shows all the text first before advancing. It just seems oddly inconsistent when some screens already have all of the text showing when others have the text slowly appearing.
Overall, it's not bad but not that great either. Also, I do not think Lucario is the cutest but then again; I guess everyone has a different opinion on what Pokemon they think are cute.