Well this certainly seems to have a very dramatic battle feel to it anyways so that is nice to see as well I think. The tune seems to paint a scene as Hank heads down into a facility trying to figure out where everyone is only to see blood and as he passes by the screen goes slowly into one of the lockers showing Tricky had been asleep there the whole time and is now awake.
Tricky slowly follows Hank wondering what he is doing there. He follows him all the way down to his party room. Hank begins jamming out to the music a bit and notices Tricky's anger rise as he begins trying to smash up Hank only to make him smash his own equipment making Tricky even angrier and thus another battle begins.
The guitar sound here is pretty smooth and gives a feel as if a bloody battle is going to be taking place and no one will interfere as Hank and Tricky's battle wages on for what feels like hours even though it is only a few minutes before Tricky grows bored and leaves giving Hank a way out and giving him a subtle look that says never come back here again.
The violin feeling sound and the synth work well together to give a feel that maybe Tricky is not so bad and yet so misunderstood instead. The drums give a calm feeling as the battle wages on for awhile and gives a very fast paced feel too.
Overall, great battle piece I think. Also kind of reminds me of the Resident Evil video games.