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This sounds like a mix of classical and old school hip hop at the same time. I guess the lines for this song would involve a lot of classical wording and maybe speaking in Middle English for humor too would be good too actually.

The drums have a simple rhythm and I hear a rim hit from time to time or is that a cowbell I hear? The drum pattern though I hear some drum kicks, snare, and some light ride sounds which when put together makes it all sound rather pleasant.

The bass line is smooth and I enjoy how it goes on and then stops for a moment so nice work there for the bass. Then the violin seems to be the final piece of this song and works out rather nice as it plays a soft melody to make one feel really relaxed. Great work on that part.

Overall, smooth track, great work!!

TheFantasyClub responds:

It's a bongo that rim hit.

I tried so hard to make this as much pleasant as possible. My objective is create songs who can tell you a story, while a hip hop pattern (or patterns) can guide the listener in it.

It's very hard to find good samples that show and express the feeling you want. And it's harder use them wisely.

Thanks a lot for your review.

I found this to be an overly hilarious animal since you just tell a lot of random animals that come from jungles and all sorts of places to suck your dick. What gave you the idea to write this song anyways? Just overly hilarious and the beat makes me it like an earworm.

The drums sound great and have a calm feel although it feels like they were mixed up a bit to have an 8-bit feel mixed with the drums. The main synth sounds like it was mixed with a guitar. The bass line is really nice and I like how you hear an air chorus a bit in the background near the end and it blends wonderfully with the ride I am hearing too. The harp is really nice.

The vocals and lyric work here was great!

Overall, hilarious!!

Robot-Lock responds:

Idea for the song? I don't know? A constant flow of brainfarts?

The instrumental itself is composed mostly of samples. It's not really that thought-through. When I make music I just go into a zone and grab everything I can find and experiment and dick around until it sounds good.

Glad you liked it!

Seemed to be a pretty good song anyways. The tune seems to have a light feel to it as if learning the ropes of something and getting better and better as time went along and people simply enjoyed hearing it.

The echoing synth sounds rather pleasing to the ears since it gives the feel of coming forth and then fading away as fast as you arrived. The secondary main synth had more power put into it it would seem. Provides a nice tune. Then there is a backing bass line you hear at times that gives a lot more atmosphere.

Also sounds as if it would be well in an adventure game too.

Overall, sounds pretty nice.

Review Request Club

Really excellent song and as it starts out it has a feeling of emerging into a new place or new part of the world as if everything you knew was gone and you were being able to start from scratch once more. The song has an excellent feel to it and I really enjoy the flow of the tune.

Around 0:53 I hear a deep bass sound coming in and giving that tone as if showing that it is a rocky start but things will be fine as you get used to living in a new place or what feels like to you a whole new world due to all the new stuff you are seeing.

Around 1:46 the synth like piano takes on a sound of just getting used to things and after the first full day there you feel overwhelmed yet happy because you have a fresh start on life and a chance to get off to a good start.

Then lastly at 2:35 I get a feeling as if the day is over and soon you are going to bed because hopefully the next day will be wonderful.

The synth with a slight echo to it sounds really nice and has a feeling of going up a lot and coming back down a bit. The bass is pretty nice and I like how it sounds like it is a blast. The drum beat here is pretty great and has that sound as if the drummer was just enjoying the tune and playing along as the song goes on. Around 1:09 is that a slight bagpipe sound I hear?

Overall, very peaceful and nice sounding song.

Review Request Club

Rinileki14 responds:

Thank you! I really appreciate your feedback.

This was a very enjoyable medley since I used to play the Legend of Zelda games a lot. Really sweet how the medley flows from one tune to another as if it was all just one long tune that you could play on the ocarina in the game.

The bass sound was excellent and very enjoyable and how it seemed to give a feeling of happiness. Liked how for a majority of the song it was a long lingering note and at times it moved to being a little faster to play along side the other instruments of the song. The violin has a calm yet soothing sound to it. The atmosphere of this piece just seems to be set on going after pieces of the Triforce. The flute also sounds really nice to listen to as well.

Overall, this is an excellent medley of tunes from the Legend of Zelda games. Wonderful work here.

Review Request Club

Horsenwelles responds:

thank you sc! the official zelda fan of the RRC lol

This song sounds rather cool and sounds like it would go great for underwater or frozen landscape level on a Gameboy game of some kind. Has an adventurous sound to it.

I hear a main synth and it actually works well with a slight echo sound where it sounds like it is bouncing off the walls. Then the secondary synth seems to make me think of someone walking around or swimming trying to get to the end of the level and move on to the next level. The bass sounds really simple and the up and down rhythm is soft.

Really just enjoy how the song has an adventure sound to it.

Overall, this song just sounds great.

Review Request Club

SuperBastard responds:

Thanks for the review! I always enjoy hearing about what my music makes you think of.

The song sounds soothing and for some reason seems to make you feel pumped and ready to party too. Where did the vocals come from anyways and who sang them? Also is that a vocoder effect used on the vocals for a more robotic effect sounding voice? This song would be awesome to play at a party. Would be fun to see the reaction of people dancing to it too.

The synth sounds groovy and has a great sound to it. The bass is smooth and very nice to hear. The drums hear are soft and play a good rhythm and just sound great. I like the dropping synth sound making it sound like someone is shooting into your heart to make you happy. The vocals and lyrics are also awesome so nice work there!

Overall, this song sounds just awesome!

This song sounds really nice and reminds me of some sewer or dream levels from really old Gameboy games. The song just seems to make you think you are fighting nightmarish creatures in the level as you must beat them to get back to sleep. Very beautifully done song and sounds great.

The synth sounds nice and has a solid up and down motion for it which is very nice. The secondary synth has a feel of an atmosphere coming at you and then just fading away as you keep on going farther and farther into the level. The bass sounds great and I enjoy the solid riff it has going.

Overall, very wonderful song, I like it a lot.

SuperBastard responds:

Thanks for the review, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

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