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Great piece

Really enjoyed how it started with a low filter pass and quickly began to build up. The synth that plays through the low pass sounded great and then you added that crazy super spin sound effect. Then the full beat slowly builds up once more as the song takes you through a roller coaster ride of awesome and amazing content. The wubbles and wubs were incredibly done here!!

The synth and space synth sounds were great and brought happiness to this which I truly enjoyed. I enjoyed the drum beat you had going. Sounded really fast with the kicks but very coordinated as well. The wubbles kind of go with the wobs and make the piece sound even better. That gun shot was rather unexpected as well.

Like how it got faster towards the very end which was amazing. Then it went back to normal. This was one heck of an incredible piece. Sounds like it would be an awesome piece to blast out loud in a car.

Overall, awesome.

KroweMusic responds:

Thanks for all the complements! It is indeed an awesome song to blast in a car seeing as I did so while driving home from school today :P

Thanks for the review :)


I found this to be a rather relaxing piece. Enjoyed when the piano came along and played that small yet speedy tempo for the whole tune. The ambient sounding chorus makes you feel very relaxed and calm. Kind of as if taking away your worries for the day and helping you feel better. This tune could make a bad day into a relaxing day. I enjoy how this piece sounds all around.

The synth chorus sounds very awe inspiring here as if a montage of good things were beginning to happen to someone who had been shit on luck for most of their life. The synth adds some hop and joy to the beat when it comes on bounces for a bit. The birds, gong, and spacey sounding thing were nice. The pan flute sounded beautiful here.

Really enjoyed the drum beat kind of speeding things up a bit here with how fast paced yet relaxed sounding they were. I think when this beat comes to a full motion that it sounds like a cry for hope to some people. While to others it helps them relax I think. You did a wonderful job with this piece. Looking forward to more.

Overall, relaxing and peaceful.

Hilarious XD

I laughed pretty hard when I heard this, excellent parody song as well too. The lyrics are awesome and I like how the go. The background beat is great and I like it as well. I have to say that overall though, I really enjoyed this tune and how funny of a parody it is. Yay for female vocals!!


Well this is a hilarious mix of indie and a capella. SO it can be considered a capella as long as only one instrument is used with the rest being voices. Loved the random screaming in the background. This tune has a lot of random sounds being used in it and I like that.

Overall, this is a crazy yet calm a capella piece.

Great beat

I haven't seen that dude submit anything in forever!! I guess it is pretty tough living in China though right? This piece kind of makes you feel a bit of peace and happiness as well. Kind of makes you think of a 90s movie or a video game where something good is about to happen or everyone is preparing for the final fight.

The bass and drum lines were excellently timed here so thanks on that one. The synth and piano both sounded good here too. Really liked the nexus sounding build up used. Kind of sucks how it cuts off right as the nexus buildup is just about done.

Overall, good collab piece so far.


Kind of has an ambient feel to it as well though. Almost as if as soon as you lay down in the grass you start to have a lot of vivid thoughts and images of how you got there and how life is going so far. Kind of makes you feel good but for me it makes me feel a bit funky anyways too.

The guitar sounded cool when I began to hear it play. The phaser effect you used here sounds pretty nice and kind of gives that weird effect as if you were floating on grass as well. The drums I hear also kind of make me think of a soft rock band.

The bass line sounds really pretty here. When the beat comes altogether it just sounds very nice and kind of makes you smile a lot as well so I guess that is something good you got going as well.

Overall, beautiful piece.


I can see this used in a music video with some cats simply roaming around in a back yard or inside a house just playing with each other and discovering things. Also cats with metronomes are always funny to me anyways. This tune is peaceful and seems to have gone over quite well too!!

The piano and synth work together and create a wonderful main beat that make you feel happy. I can hear some light notes playing in the background which sound pretty. The harp playing here sounds great and I liked the partial bass parts that I could hear here as well.

Overall, funky fresh out of the audio portal and I love it!!

Mich responds:

Nice visuals you have for this little tune. I guess people are free to use it in their videos, so who knows ;)

Glad you think it all works nicely together. A little note though, all instruments are done with the same pluck synth, I didn't especially intend for them to sound like piano or harp or anything. :p

Thanks for the review!

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