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Wow is this one crazy sounding beat. Makes me think of Resident Evil and having to fight hundreds of zombies just to get out alive. Would love to see this in a zombie based game where you must fight to survive against the hoards of the undead as they come after you and your flesh!!!

The bass line is truly awesome and just draws you in with its simplicity and ease. The drums create a heavy atmosphere of panic as you run and gun to survive oncoming zombies after you. The synth creates the final piece of amazement and draws you in as the two of them play. Also like the buil up and reverse effects used in this too.

Overall, a very nice beat.

Podel1 responds:

Thank you! :)


I have no honest idea why but this makes me think of keyboard cat reincarnated. Maybe it is because the bass line sounds similar to the one used in that beat I guess. Still a cool song though, won't lie. Makes you feel strangely funky yet awesome at the same time.

The bass line is jazzy and kind of weird when the scratches start to occur in this beat to me. The drums sound very nice and rapid which is good to hear I guess. The synth sounds cool to me. The scratches are just weird I guess and make the song feel like a sinister fighting beat I think.

Overall, pretty cool beat.

Marzyyy responds:

thanks man, it still needs a bit of cleaning up i guess
i guess it does somewhat sound related to keyboard cat lol
i appreciate your review!

Happy happy happy!!

This has a really upbeat and happy feeling to it. Could see it used in a lighthearted game or as credit music to some show aimed towards young people and make them laugh or smile while showing images from the episode to the credits.

The synth sounds very nice and upbeat here. I like how you have a second synth playing some long notes and then breaking down and sounding completely awesome. The drums sound very nice here too. Like how they keep a simple pace. The bass line is very nice.

Overall, sounds really nice but whenever the second synth gets high notes at few parts it sounds a bit weird.

Mantra-Ray responds:

thankyou for the great score
and yh it feels awkward listening to it
its something im still working one but my first ever submission sounds horrible so im trying to imrpove that

Pretty good and funky

I found this to be a good and funky song to get down to as well. When it starts out it sounds cool and then claps and various other sounds come in and make it even better to enjoy once the full beat gets up and going.

The deep bass area was really cool. Sounded and made me think of water. Then the synth came back in and I enjoyed it as well. The synth along with the secondary synth and drum beat kind of remind me of cats for some reason. So it reminds me of a cat taking a bath and just fighting to get out of the water sadly as most cats hate water unless they are drinking it.

Overall, the full beat and everything is just amazingly cool!! Good luck in the future. Would love to hear more beats from you.

Pretty cool

I actually found this to be a pretty cool beat. The start with one instrument and then it keeps adding on more songs until you have a full beat playing. Once the full beat kicks in it sounds pretty good to me.

The first synth at the start sounds pretty cool with that simple loop and beat playing. Then the drums come in and add some sound to it with a bass and kick effect. The bass line adds a great deal of tone to this. The second and third synths make an awesome full come around for this song.

When the whole beat comes together it sounds great. Really not too much you can do to improve this. Then again I've always wanted to see a synth solo breakdown in a trance song..

Overall, good work.

Pretty good

This actually turned out pretty good I would say. However I would recommend raising the decibel a bit so that it is a bit louder and easier for the listener to hear without turning up their speakers all the way or above halfway because when they go to watch or listen to something else they might make their ears hurt.

Really cool use and addition of a guitar here. Sounded pretty cool amongst the classical instruments. The drums sound very nice here. The keyboard sounds pleasant as well. Also like how chilled out the bass is here, completely unobtrusive as always.

Overall, you did a splendid job here!!

Review Request Club

EagleGuard responds:

Yeah, getting the volume right seems to be a problem lately xD I'm using new headphones which don't have a volume changer you see on regular headsets. This means that if I up my computer's volume settings, my ears get blown off. I use normalization when I convert the song, but apparently that needs some tweaking... I'll do my best to increase the volume in future songs =p

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the review, much appreciated as always! :)


I like how soft and chilling it is as well. Kind of makes you think of days you never had but wish you had. A day where you hugged a friend a lot and simply relaxed with them under a tree watching water in a river go by. You see a kitten in a basket. You got to pick it up and adopt it. You give it a name and the cat likes the two of you a lot for saving it. It grows with you as a friend to you both.

The piano sounds luscious and great which is very nice to hear here. The drums sound simplistic and kind of give off a wave feel at the same time as if it was reeling you in to listen to the song. The bass sounds simplistic enough. Also like the wave and build up effects. They make the song look and feel really nice too.

Enjoyed how half way through you make the listener think it was over and then pick back up on a really nice sounding beat that keeps the user drawn in and listening as this song is played for a sad person to perhaps make them feel better with a hug I guess.

I will say that overall you did an excellent job on this piece. Sounds really pleasant to the ears. Would like to see more in the future.

Review Request Club

Pretty cool

Kind of makes me think of the song "Pretty Rave Girl" with the way the synth is playing the quick back and forth notes on the first synth.

The synths both sound pretty nice actually. The one is playing constant back and forth notes. The other one plays through several different beats and probably encourages the listener to get up and just enjoy the night as well.

The bass sounds very dang splendid and good job in that area. Kind of made me think of a car door opening constantly which was kind of sad. The drums sound pretty cool. They sound fast yet simple to play as well which turns out to be pretty cool I take it.

Overall you did a really nice job. Nice to see you used Basshunter's music as a template for your songs as well. Great piece of work.

Review Request Club


Kind of makes me think of vocaloids which I also enjoy listening to as well. The beat just really does as it says, "relaxing". Really lifts all the sorrow of life off of your chest and makes you feel like a better person for a lot of reasons you can not even begin to explain to yourself.

The bass sounds very mellow and cool. I really like how upbeat both synths sound as well. They sound like what you would hear to make you feel good or something you would see in a chilling anime scene where the characters try to relax.

Like when the drums kick in and make the song a lot better. I just enjoy how that is going there. The overall flow seems to be real nice though.

Overall, really nice tune, makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside yet relaxed.

Review Request Club

ReklessCreati0n responds:

Love the review, thank you, Thats exactly what I was going for, I wanted it to be relaxing :)

glad I've gotta fan haha :)


I see the beat is quite interesting. Although there is no rapping it still sounds real great. Also no lyrics or rhymes come to mind when I hear this and it drives me sort of nuts since I like to sing but I can't do jack when I get in front of the crowd at school. I pick up the guitar and forget what I am supposed to do. It sucks a lot!!

The drums sound cool alongside the cowbell sound I hear. The bass and synth sound really good as well and kind of make this song sound so much cooler than it was seconds ago. Like how it is kind of a long loop with a lot of cool twists that have been added into it to make it sound a lot fresher than before.

Overall, I have yet to see you fail. That's great. This tune is fresh!!

tehslaphappy responds:

Thank youuuuu!

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