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I found this to be cool. Really loved the intro. Made me feel sad and nostalgic to want to watch animes I have not seen in a long time. I could still watch them and care less what others think. Kind of like you get that one thing a friend gave you as a gift and you can not let go of it for the memories.

The synth sounds glorious and beautiful to me. The bass sounds vivid and simplistic. The drums sound really cool and give the song a complete life of its own as well. When it all comes together it sounds really great and I enjoy it as well.

Have to say that overall, you did a great job here albeit the tune strangely made me feel a bit sad yet happy at the same time.

Review Request Club

Loved it

Wow, it reminds me of Silent Hill and kind of makes me feel sad at the same time too. I could actually see some lyrics being added to this as well which is kind of cool I guess even though you added splice voices to the mix to make things entertaining to the listener.

The bass is actually pretty nice. The voice sounds pretty weird and I can not tell what she is saying. Where did the voice sample come from if I may be allowed to ask that. The synth sounds kind of eerie yet sad at the same time to me actually. The drums add a finishing touch and just engage your ears in a silent yet strange world of wherever this song takes place.

Overall, great piece and makes me think of memories and Silent Hill. Great!

Review Request Club

Very nice

However it does not really feel like jazz to me. Sorry about that I guess. Sounds like a misc and video game song at the same time rather than jazz actually. That's about the only real problem I see with this song actually. Aside from that, it looks and sounds just fine to me.

The piano and drums sound very nice as well. Sounds like it would make an excellent boss song as well actually. Would like to see that happen too. The bass sounds good. Really liked the piano breakdown, makes me think of the part in the boss battle where it goes to the next phase to annoy and kill you some more.

I would say that overall, you did a great job with this.

Review Request Club

WizMystery responds:

Ah, my first review :D

I think I have a huge misconception of what jazz is. I know its most famous for certain instrumentations and use of chords beyond the triad, but I've been getting into certain bands that are less concerned with harmonization and more concerned with individual riffing much like this that call themselves "jazz rock." I could call it rock... but then I couldn't because it sounds nothing like it. I could also call it jazz... and that's where things get screwed up.

Interesting interpretation, by the way. I never imagined this fitting into a videogame but then again I am a bit influenced by stewart copeland's spyro phase.

Thanks for the review.

Sweet loop

I actually find this to be pretty freaking awesome actually. The loop is just perfect. Cut off a tiny bit at end where you can tell the obvious cut and you have a winner.

The drums actually sound rather splendid here too and enjoyable. Really like how you just seem to be putting in little to no effort and then speeding it up real fast and adding a couple of effects to make it sound awesome.

The synth sounds really nice here too. Like how it is a very simple loop. The bass is in good spirit as well. IT all comes together to form a graveyard song which is wicked.

I would love to see this used in a flash or possibly a dark and scary game where you are running to make it out alive before zombies and mutants eat your flesh.

Overall, sick beat.

Reivew Request Club


In an excellent way that is. The beat sounds kind of like it has heavy scratching and backmasking at the start and throughout the whole entire beat as well. Not too bad considering I have heard similar beats and the such.

The synth and heavy bass bumps sound really good here. They give the song the life it deserves as well. Really like how fast the synth plays as well. It kind of just makes you feel like getting up to dance to the beat as well which is great. Is that what you were aiming for in this song as well?

The drums are kind of gloomy but they provide the fast triplet pace that one should hear in any dance song as well to say the least. The scratching/ backmask sound I hear the whole time is pretty cool as well. Like the sound that pops up around 2: 39 as well. Sounds like some weird clicking machine that encourages you to turn off the negative and get onto the positive of life.

When the beat comes together it creates a very nice and fast song. The whole way through it is kind of like a trip trying to remind you of the happiness in life that one should try to find and enjoy rather than being gloomy. The drum outro was cool.

Overall, sick beat.

Omnivore responds:

Thanks! Yup, thats the beat I was tryin to go for, I kind of rushed on this one though because my program crashes alot...

Rubber snakes

I have no idea why but the heavy bass makes me think of a rubber snake for some strange reason which in turn reminds me of the Pokemon Ekans. Also the vocals are rather odd. Where did they come from?

The bass is heavy and not too awful bad. The drums are simple and kind of bore me sadly as well. The vocals are just weird and obscure to me sadly as I do not understand the reference either.

Overall, not too bad I guess.

Review Request Club

DjViking responds:

the lyrics are sampled from an independent film called "I am so Proud of you"

Strangely awesome

I like how it mixes classical sounds with those of the dubstep genre to create a sick new beat that brings both worlds together. I could see this being used in a classic game that somehow shows that they had glocks and other deadlier weapons then that could cut through armor lightning fast and without second thought.

The chorus kind of makes me think of the Seymour boss from Final Fantasy X actually. The scratches and weird high pitched chipping sounds pretty nice and just makes me think of two DJs having a battle with each other for the best spot.

The bass and drums make it calming though. The classy instruments keep adding on and make you feel a lot better for some good reason as well.

I would say that overall you did an excellent piece with this being very good!!

Review Request Club

KroweMusic responds:

Cool visualizations :D

I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the review :)


Considering this is only a loop it actually sounds pretty catchy as well. Wouldn't mind seeing this used in a flash game either.

The drums and bass are highly addicting.

Good work on this. Too catchy.

tehslaphappy responds:

Thanks bro.


It is an almost perfect loop actually so good work there too dude.

I have to say that I am quite impressed with what you did here in this song. The high sounding loops are splendid and all the sounds add to the rich flavor and context of this song.

Overall, you aced it.

Review Request Club

Psil0 responds:

Hahaha, thanks man. Yeah writing these simple loops are here to help me try and convey ideas I might use in the future, along with practice production. Also, this is going to be used in a short flash sometime soon.

P.S. - Thanks for the reviews on my music!

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