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Dark and gloomy

Heh, I like how this tune goes actually. It is almost as it starts out you begin to question things and as things go along you begin to lose any and all sanity and end up in a straight jacket out of fear of what might happen if you don't.

The trumpets give a dark twisted taste to this song and cause you to feel odd. The drums are very light and funny as if trying to add in some slapstick to the mix to screw with you. The dark quick breathing sound hear from time to time make you feel odd.

Enjoyed when it turned completely electro since that sounds like something straight out of Portal actually along with the weird dark screech like sounds that come in later.

Then everything goes back to average for a moment as you try to remember who and where you are but you don't even know in the slightest anymore and your sanity is almost completely gone.

Overall, good song about sanity.

Review Request Club

Birdinator99 responds:

lol, that last sentence made my day. I'm glad it worked for you!

Odd is a weird thing to feel when listening to a song in my opinion, but I suppose it's appropriate here.

FUN FACT: I did not use trumpets! Say what?!?!

Must be the strings or something -- I really don't know.

Also, being compared to Portal is neat; I love those games.

Thanks for the review!

Nice ambience

Well I like how this one rolls really. Has a good feel for some kind of RPG game where you explore an old abandoned facility or possibly a jungle where you try to find out why some of the things where you are have been going haywire lately and causing many horrible things to happen to people.

The drums roll up and in very nicely and keep a decent descent into madness from happening. The piano leaves in a good piece of possible sorrow and mystery into the song. The trumpet sound near end kind of makes you think something big is getting ready to go down too!!

Overall, cool loop.

Review Request Club

Decibel responds:

What no animal resemblance? I kinda was looking forward to that :P

Anyway, thanks for the review, I appreciate it :)

Boss battle

I have no idea why but this makes rather fitting boss music in a good eerie toned way as well. The tone of the song seems to be dark, desperation, and a last chance to kill off an enemy who has been trying to kill you since the start of the game.

The chorus is actually quite nice when combined with the organ for a dark feeling in the boss battle that gives you a spine chilled feel. The synth sounds great here and very speedy within the boss fight itself. The drums kind of don't roll in the best fashion either.

I think in my opinion that the drums would sound a bit better if slowed down a bit and given a more dramatic taste as in it just plays at a given tempo and the drum sounds come from time to time to scare or creep out the player.

Overall, cool boss song.

Review Request Club

MeteorManMike responds:

Drums... I really need to work on my drums...
I'm glad you think the organ was a nice touch, I'd been working on that particular instrument for quite a while, making it sound just right.
This is the battle theme for the guy that's been following you, watching your every move... as far as you can tell... O_o
Thanks for reviewing! I'll maybe do some more work on this one in a while.

Great remix

Heh, I think this is possibly the most covered song but I like this trance like remake of it, rather charming really. I could see this going with the original boss battle but with strobe lights in the background instead.

Great tribute

I think this was a nice tribute to him anyways, I also enjoy his wonderful music even though sometimes it sounds more creepy than enjoyable. The layered guitars were very nice along with the synth.

Good composition

This actually went over pretty smooth anyways like peanut butter and jelly put in a sandwich. Loved the intro having a deep wet bass effect happening. Liked the synth solo at the start too. This tune just kind of makes you feel pretty happy in a strange sort of way that gets the mind working in the morning after a party.

They synth is very candy like and awesome. The secondary ambient/chorus synth was nicely played out as well. The drums were simple and drafty which is cool. The bass line was deep and very wet which I found pleasing.

Overall, very good morning song.

Review Request Club

Raymoclaus responds:

Thanks for pointing out all the good stuff, always makes a composeer feel good about themself.


I thought this started well with the voice and the ambient keystrokes on the piano. When the drums kick in however it seems to be unfitting sadly. I think if you swapped out those drums for a slower drum beat then it would sound a lot better since speedy drums to a slow and sad song is rather unfitting.

The ambiance of the piano and the deep howling sounds make this sound pretty sad. However the drums cancel it out for the most part as they stay at a faster speed for most of the song. The metal grinding sound was also a very nice feel as if someone was dying or falling to their death in very slow motion.

Overall, alright, just use a slower drum setting.

Review Request Club

Immortalrabbit responds:

The fast drums are there for a reason. Living isn't sad. Drums get slower at the end.


Well I found this to be a greatly appetizing piece my friend. This piece feels very much as if it was part of an old movie where the events took place during middle earth or some junk like that. I also think it would be terrific music for an RPGesque flash game or real video game for a console. The piece is just very catchy yet cheery.

The strings capture a whole lot of the emotions and seem to let them slowly go adrift to the wide open winds. The drums were the only modern thing I even heard here which is good too since they add a backbone and feel to the song.

The piano adds a very sad ambiance to the whole tune and makes you think something dramatically saddening may have happened to the hero of the story. Whether he/she was killed or just barely survived an onslaught from the enemy before the leader got killed off.

Overall, beautiful and sounds a bit Asian.

Review Request Club

Awesome cover

Reminds me of how great the show used to be to watch actually. From season one to three I found it to be a very good show and starting at season four it has began to slowly go downhill with it's plotline, season five seems a bit promising with the return of Giovanni and a change in attitude from Jesse and James.

The guitars sound excellent here and I like how the yboth sound. The bass line is simple yet incredible and lovely. The drums are heavy like people running to find a Pokemon they have always wanted and they fight together to one day became the Champions.

Overall, good times, slick cover!! <3

Burn7 responds:

Freaking thanks! I always loved the Pokemon TV series, and had kinda secretly always wanted to cover this song. So when the opportunity came I frigging jumped.

Glad you liked it :D

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