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Another good piece

All I have to say is this piece seems to get one pumped and makes them feel very maddening yet hyper as well. Very rapid paced piece.

cheshyre responds:

Thank you! I hope it helps you get pumped to start the day!

New Chaos

I liked how this piece seems to emphasize the coming of a final chaotic clash amongst characters in the Madness universe as it all boils down to one final super battle with all the characters going into one final battle.

The industrial sounds used here were quite fantastic and a very good change in pace as well. The wrench sound was cool. I liked the very heavy synth used in this piece along with the deep siren sound making a sound as if calling people into battle for one last time.

The drums here were very fast and very cool sounding for a piece based on violence and isolation from others while you fight what is left in a very mad world. I think this part was very fitting to how part 10 went along.

Overall, very mad, very industrial, very nice.

cheshyre responds:

Thank you!! This song took it all out of me, ran it through a blender with kittens and oj, filtered that mess through a brita water filtration system and then gave it back to me in the form of an enima... This song just took on a life of it's own and made me make it. I hope that makes sense...

Thank you!!

Sounds excellent

Well I think you had a blast with this piece, the tune just sounds quite pleasing. Like the phaser wahwah effect the deep synth bass notes have here which is pretty enlightening and gives off a feel of the dark in this piece.

The secondary synth sounds clear and ambient which is actually quite pleasing to the ears. The drums and sand dropping effect sounds make this a very dark yet happy feeling piece to the ears. One would feel sad at first and happy as the song moves along.

Overall, this turned out quite well.

O-Prime125 responds:

Thank you dude, I enjoyed making this but was also sad!

Fun cover

Another fun cover of the Nyan Cat song. Cheers!

Catstuffer responds:

Thanks! Yes, that is exactly what it is!

Great remix

This turned out to be an awesome remix, The only thing missing is that you could possibly add vocals so people can get a good laugh from how the song is sung and such. The bass line is cool.

The synth and techno xylophone and chip tuning wet sounds were great. I think you did a good job with this piece.

Overall, Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!! <3

AetherFlaer responds:

Thanks! Yeah I might add vocals sometime in the future.

Thanks for the awesome review!.

Not bad

I think the only real problem was how silent the song was. That and I guess if it was all built up a bit more then added in a few different varying layers and a vocal layer modified to sound a little lower for a bass effect would have been excellent. As far as everything else goes I think this piece turned out well.

Overall, just need to be a bit louder and add a bass vocal level, beautiful piece. <3


Kind of makes me think of the Portal games atmosphere as in you never know when you could screw up and die or possibly survive the test and move on. Also kind of makes me think of Kingdom Hearts boss music and Gauntlet saga, both which are still fun even though I don't play them often.

I like how the orchestra softly plays the whole time with very slow and dramatic build up as if making you feel this is the final fight against your dark clone created from your sorrow, fear, hatred, and emptiness over time.

The chorus makes it feel very big and very epic too. They provide a feel as if one were trying to get through life and be able to live to see another day and possibly gain redemption one day for everything they ever did wrong in their life.

The wordbuilder and stormdrum sound very dramatic in this piece. Like how the kind of bring out the emotion of fighting as well as if it was the last thing you would ever do possibly. Soon you awake to see your dark clone walking away laughing like a maniac for once as they beat you for the first time. A new way must be found to beat them but how? The battle ensues!!

The other three effects used make it feel very dramatic and give a deep battle tone to it. I like the title of this piece as it seems very fitting. It also feels like an orchestra/classical piece as well.

Overall, another job well done. <3 <3

Echo responds:

Nice another awesomely detailed review. It's good that you like this piece because i worked on it for quite a long time, all through my exams in fact, since i didn't have a lot of time per day.

The fact that you think the song is epic is enough for me, since thats what i tried to for in this song and the fact that you imagined a story for it your self is good too :)

All in all thanks for the brilliant review and the criticism is much appreciated.

Nicely worked

Well I suppose it is 20% cooler wit ha deeper synth and bass line added to the mix along with more pony voices too. The voices makes it feel cool yet chaotic as well. What are they saying anyways? Sounds like she is saying "Charzone..."

The synth sounds brilliant on this piece and brings a large amount of interest and light. The voices are still cool. Is that Fluttershy having a hiccup while Rainbow Dash falls and crashes into something? The voices are absolutely interesting. The bass line is also smooth like jazz hands.

The drums add a cool rural area effect as if one was at Ponyville, what was the deep voice? Kind of makes me think a bit of Touhou as well strangely.

Overall, excellent "30% cooler" remix!!!

poowis responds:

Cheers for the great review!

The voices involved (not necessarily in order) are Fluttershy shouting "You're going to love me!" which I extended into a longer, more meaty scream, Fluttershy helping, or hiccuping or whatever :P, the repeated voice is Sweetie Belle's part in FLuttershy's lullaby, singing "Hush now, quiet now, time to lay your sleepy head", but it's all chopped up, there's an extended "wheee" from Pinkie in there, and the deep voice is when FLuttershy's voice goes all deep and she sings a song for Pinkie Pie, who can't talk.


Another decent cover

I found this one to be mildly good anyways. The guitar sounds very peaceful along with your voice which makes you feel calm here. Clapping started off as a bit erratic and got better really fast. The guitar also sounded pretty cool with the sliding effects.

The rhythm sounds wonderful with this piece and kind of gives you some looking up for a good time in the future with people you like.

Overall, wonderful piece.

More acoustic

To be honest I do not have much to say here either as it is guitar and vocals again. However the lyrics here really come into your mind in a strong manner which is a good side effect of listening. The guitar breakdown and riffs sounded a lot better here.

I guess if anything could change I would consider adding a third sound which could be a drum track of just you hitting the guitar with your knuckles with a rhythm. Pretty nice here as usual.

Ryanson responds:

I actually considered having handclaps, as with the covers I posted around this time. They didn't work as well as I wanted them to though so I decided against them lol.

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