Excellent stuff
I was expecting this to be crappy but wow did you put a lot of effort int this and you covered almost all your bases.... except for voice acting, could have asked a few users I think, they would have been happy to do that for you because Nene with voices from Team Fortress 2 seems kind of sad to me but it was cool I guess. Also I think Zone would have been happy to see HER icon in this piece and yes Zone is a cool lady.
The storyline here was good too. Zone wound up grinding her into the city kind of like Shadow from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle starting into Radical Highway which was also fun. Then she goes to jail and has to sit with Nene for a bit. Pico borrows Darnell's ride while he rides in the back.
The soon arrive at the city and Pico must take out a legion of UberKids before fighting Pikanjo, he nearly dies and then Darnell shoots his head off saving Pico. Pico soon saves Zone while Nene beats him senseless for some reason or another. What was Zone saying at the end before you cut it off? :C
The voices were cool here. ANy chance of telling me what all songs you used here since I like them.
Overall, excellent Pico Day piece, really liked this.