Another year, another wonderful advent calendar. That being said, I opened the first and second present on December 2 but only got the achievement for the second present. I take it the present achievements are date locked?
Another year, another wonderful advent calendar. That being said, I opened the first and second present on December 2 but only got the achievement for the second present. I take it the present achievements are date locked?
This game got more frustrating the further along I played but I managed to get them all completed. 12, 14, and 15 seemed to be the hardest levels. 12 and 14 due to spikes and 15 due to just needing to time jumps and deciding what items to pick up in what order.
The sound effects were good and I am glad this game had no music to it as I think that would have been somewhat distracting.
The game play was fun, a puzzle platformer that gets progressively more difficult as you play more of it.
The medals work and none of them are broken.
Overall, a fun yet frustrating little game.
Super cute environment and a simply fun one button game of jumping from cloud to cloud. Delightful game, I like it. <3
Super fun puzzle platformer that takes just a few minutes to complete. I ended up replaying it twice because a few sections show various power-ups you cannot grab all in one go. Great music, good level design. Would have been fun to have a speedrunning mode probably. :D
Not a bad game but takes a little time to get the timing and changing right so you can get even further.
Really fun and easy to complete, even once you finish, you want to keep on playing and see how high of a score you can get. :D
It feels so satisfying to reach 100% completion. I recall trying to complete this years ago and I was never able to figure out the last 10%, finally found those last 5 medals in the end. :D
This game leaves a lot of room for improvement. The fact that not many people have medals and also find the fifth level to be overly difficult among all 6 levels seems odd. The sudden difficulty jump and then drop back down towards an easier final level seems pretty bad to me.
No audio, could probably use some atmospheric rainstorm noises or something for the background.
The medal works, it is just that a lot of people can and will have difficulty with level 5 since it seems to be impossible the first time anyone plays it.
The gameplay is simple, just navigate A raindrop to the bottom (can only get one to the finish line.) For those getting stuck on level 5; here is some advice on how to make the level far easier as "clamping to the left and then right AT THE END" is not very helpful from what I had tried out.
When starting the fifth level, press left once to get the raindrop and then... do nothing for a moment. In most cases, it should keep going left to the next raindrop (although you may need to press down a couple of times right as it gets above the raindrop). After it touches the raindrop, let it go left a little more and press right / left a couple of times and then it fall right to get the next rain drop, repeat this for the final raindrop and then just let it fall to the finish line. Hoping this little bit helps those who have had a lot of issues with level 5.
Level 6 is honestly really easy and might just take one or two tries to get.
Overall, controls feel clunky at times and some of the levels could use a little remapping to make the game feel more evened out as far as difficulty goes. I would recommend just testing out levels before moving on to the next one or even allowing people to playtest future games to help out.
Pretty fun and easy medal game overall sans for the last hidden medal which took about 10 minutes to figure out. As you said, that medal is from the quiz but is a "false start," aka, not clicking in the right area. :3
Hoping Newgrounds in 2020 is also informative and fun to read through.
Not a bad try for a first game, I hope future games will be much better.
At the title screen, I noticed there is "Info" and also "Help." The Info button tells how to play the game kind of while Help just gives a button saying "Soon" which is incredibly pointless. Could have just not added the Help button given it seems to serve no function whatsoever.
Starting from Level 2, I began to notice a few issues. When jumping on the cacti. you take damage for every second you are on the cacti. A couple of seconds of invincibility after losing a heart would help greatly. I also notice that if you are hugging a wall or platform wall, you lose the ability to jump until you move away from it.
I noticed the only levels with any kind of difficulty were levels 2 and 5. Level 2 for the cacti that take off way too many hearts at once for simply being on them for more than one frame. Level 5 because you kind of have to hope you land on the latter platforms fast enough that you can shoot the other cacti to avoid losing health. It IS possible to just lose a heart or two and just drop down to the door to finish the game if you have at least 3 hearts though.
The medals all worked, I got the level 1 medal after finishing the first level and The Nopal after completing all 5 levels.
The game lacks audio all around; no sound effects, no music, no noise at all. I hope the next game adds in some audio to keep players a little more interested when trying to complete the game.
Overall, not a bad first game but I got a feeling you have a lot of room for improving too.
EDIT: No, 1, 3, and 4 are fine on their own. I would focus on bug fixes before building more levels to be honest.
I will deleted "Help" in next update, I know problem with cacti so I will fix it, music for game will be added... I'm working. But do you thing that 1,3,4 lvls must be more dificult? I want to make above 20 lvls, answer my question please
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05