I found this to be downright hilarious! Possibly inspired by the "Bitches love Dragonite"? On a side note, used to love using Aggron in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald because that thing had an awesome attack power. Hilarious little vocal skit!
I found this to be downright hilarious! Possibly inspired by the "Bitches love Dragonite"? On a side note, used to love using Aggron in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald because that thing had an awesome attack power. Hilarious little vocal skit!
I'm not familiar with it, it's actually based on an online fan-made poster. Glad you liked it :D
Loved how this told such a dynamic story of trying to find safety despite all the dangers they kept encountering at each one that went to, it was almost always an adventure that they had to keep trying to survive and no matter what, never giving up either to find a place they could call home or sanctuary. And reading the description.... 49 instruments?! That's a lot of patience and I still have demo and usually just stop after trying to get a bass rhythm to go with the drum set up which seems to overpower the bass or synth for some reason.
The drums here have a nice little feeling to them and give that truly dynamic feel of never truly being alone and always having to hunt for a new place to stay. No matter what, something is likely there trying to get them. However a lack of drums at the end gives that feeling that they did find a place of peace and that they may finally be able to rest for once and stop having to look for a place they can rest in safety. Wonderful way to end it.
The harp reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy VIII when going to where the minotaur brothers were for some reason. The bass felt kind of like a bass guitar but it was a cello instead right? Very nice on the ears to listen to. Can just picture a whole orchestra actually playing the song actually.
The violins give that feeling of constant peace and strangely make me think of Kingdom Hearts credit music too, cool I suppose. The trombones, trumpets, and others of those sort make this song truly a joy to listen to and very nice on the ears as well.
Overall, lovely to hear how this one turned out, excellent work, looking forward to more!!
Wow man, thanks for the long review!
"Loved how this told such a dynamic story of trying to find safety despite all the dangers they kept encountering at each one that went to, it was almost always an adventure that they had to keep trying to survive and no matter what, never giving up either to find a place they could call home or sanctuary."
Haha yeah that's pretty much what I had in mind. Although the scene I initially had in my head was one person desperately searching for a sanctuary rather than a whole group, but whatever :P.
"And reading the description.... 49 instruments?! That's a lot of patience"
Well, my CPU had to certainly be patient with me. It was a pretty insane project file!
"and I still have demo and usually just stop after trying to get a bass rhythm to go with the drum set up which seems to overpower the bass or synth for some reason."
Haha, might just be because you've got "Fruity Limiter" set in your mixer's master track. Hit File > New from template and find "Blank Slate". From then on, use that setting and you won't get any overpowering or anything.
If you don't have Fruity Limiter on, then I can't help you with that I guess. It just takes a bit of practice!
"The drums here have a nice little feeling to them and give that truly dynamic feel of never truly being alone and always having to hunt for a new place to stay. No matter what, something is likely there trying to get them. However a lack of drums at the end gives that feeling that they did find a place of peace and that they may finally be able to rest for once and stop having to look for a place they can rest in safety. Wonderful way to end it."
That was entirely intentional so I'm happy you pointed it out. I wanted the song to end on a satisfying but soft note to indicate that at last the troubles are over. It was made to indicate that the protagonist finally found a sanctuary although one of the reviewers of this song got a bit creative and interpreted it as the protagonist dying and finding peace in the hands of death... which was a pretty cool interpretation, I thought :3.
"The harp reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy VIII when going to where the minotaur brothers were for some reason."
I'm not so big on Final Fantasy (only ever played the VII on the PSP) so I can't relate, but hey, you're comparing this to game soundtrack so I won't complain, haha.
"The bass felt kind of like a bass guitar but it was a cello instead right?"
Depends. At the very beginning there's a double bass playing which might be what you're comparing to a bass guitar, but at, say, 2:21, there's a cello playing. I find that strings are really amazing at giving bass and depth to orchestral songs, so in every orchestral song of mine you'll find that there's always a double bass/cello/both playing chords in the background.
"Very nice on the ears to listen to. Can just picture a whole orchestra actually playing the song actually."
"The violins give that feeling of constant peace and strangely make me think of Kingdom Hearts credit music too, cool I suppose."
Haven't played Kingdom Hearts either. Yeah I'm not much of a gamer :P.
"The trombones, trumpets, and others of those sort make this song truly a joy to listen to and very nice on the ears as well."
That is quite good to hear because in general I'm not very satisfied with the brass my East/West Symphonic Orchestra Silver VST has to offer. Well I mean they're recorded professionally from real instruments so they're LEAGUES better than most other brass samples, and the French horns sound great, but the trombones and trumpets in the VST do sound a bit iffy, IMO. East/West Symphonic Orchestra makes up for that with amazing strings, however.
"Overall, lovely to hear how this one turned out, excellent work, looking forward to more!!"
D'aww thanks :3. Again, I greatly appreciate the detailed review!
Sounds like a Hive mind kind of thing and the tune has a nice -_-_ kind of sound at the start with the bee buzzing effect I am hearing. Slowly and surely other sounds come into the song and make it all the better to enjoy as time goes on too. Once the buzzing stops the song gets really neat to hear.
The drums have a pretty nice beat to them, the shuffling and clapping seem to go well together for a beat. The piano in itself has a soft rhythm with a hard note from time to time which seems to be pretty awesome here for the song.
The guitar sounds like a live recorded one which is pretty cool. Sounds a bit like it has a computer chorus effect applied to it on the amp giving a cool sounding effect to it as if bringing the bees all together for the song. Guitar sounds really nice to listen to. The bass seems to be really soft here providing a light backing for the song which works rather well for this song.
The distortion effect I hear later in this song around the four minute mark is rather interesting since it gives a feel of distortion as if something was happening to the hive for a moment. A slight delay on the drum track actually turns out nice since it sounds much more alive when hearing it.
For the rest of the song the rides along smoothly and gives a feeling of the hive working together to gather honey and fend off creatures trying to take the honey from them.
Overall, interesting song to hear.
Thanks for taking the time to review m8! ^_^
Remain amazing and stay remarkably YOU! =3
*boogies back into cyberspace!*
Love & Peace Through Art! ^_~*
Forever In Love With All That Which Exists
(That Which Is Seen & Unseen, Known & Unknown),
- Writer, Artist, Musician, DJ, Eternal Student & Being of Existence,
-WAM! TIGER M [Tumbler Friday. ! ~ ===~o ~ ! ]
-3:25 AM (3/30/2012) [Eastern Standard Time, North-of-Equator]
Really like the soothing beat going on here. Gives a kind of feel of just falling really really slow or just being able to relax for the day too. Tune makes you feel really good and the song is very light in melody and mood. Very enjoyable peace.
Liked how the bass notes seem to go up in a slow repeating rhythm giving the feeling of never ending and just sounds great to me. The aquatic synth paired with what feels like a slight echo ping pong effect actually sounds pretty good.
The drums are calming and the claps paired with some kicks in the place of what would be a snare is also very calming and kind of gives a feel of just clapping along to the rhythm. The spaced out feel to the song is just very smooth and completely calming. Excellent work here!
Overall, the beat is very calming and gives a feel of just being able to relax for the day. Very beautifully composed song.
Review Request Club
Thanks SCTE3. Sorry I didn't respond to this earlier, but your feedback is spot on.
I wanted to create a really soothing rhythm, and the "aquatic" adjective you added in there was quite good. I tried to make it as calming as possible :)
Cheers SCTE3
This has a very simplistic sound to it and I rather enjoy hearing it that way. When the acoustic guitar plays loud enough you can hear a bass line that goes with it which is pretty cool until the full beat comes in. When it all comes together it sounds rather awesome.
The guitar sounds great and that riff is great when paired with the piano playing giving a kind of rock and dance feel to the song. The bass line is really nice as well too. As for vocals, the random yelling just seems to make this song incredibly hilarious. Very well crafted song and the drumming is excellent. Best of luck in the future with your band!!
Overall, song is awesome yet hilarious with the yelling.
Review Request Club
thanks so much for the detailed review! yeah the aim was to be hilarious :D glad you picked up on it! but yeah much thanks :) new song should hopefully be coming out soon!
Really seems to tell a story in itself and very well composed.
Part A kind of gives a feel of things to come as you look overhead seeing the corrupt villains have somehow taken over the city and keep on brainwashing the people. The harp and drums seem to hold a feeling of getting hope as you put on attire to make yourself unknown to everyone as you go forth. The solid bass riff gives a feel of action possibly happening at any moment. The piano also gives a feel of getting ready to do everything needing to be done. As you remember what all started and begin to go forth and restore the city. The drum kicks give a feeling of slowly walking too, nice.
From 3:30 I hear a change in tone as it transitions to part B with just the sound of a piano playing. At this point the drums change up in beat to a battle march as the villains discuss their next move while you slowly enter the building looking for where they are to stop them forever but many people seem to stand in your way as they are brainwashed as well. The crystal synth sound has a feeling of hope being given as you slowly sneak up to there.
Part C has that feel of the final battle beginning as the bass kicks in and gets things started. Things slowly arise as the alarms go off and you take out the gunmen with the flick of your wrist. The battle keeps escalating until they finally come out bound and determined to kill you but you stand strong. The bass and echo sound I hear give that feeling of a storm determining what shall be happening next and the drums get a much more dynamic feel to them as well.
Overall, very epic story tune, nothing appears to be wrong hear, or at least nothing sounds wrong to my ears. Excellent work!! Can't wait to hear the final version.
Review Request Club
Wow thank you very much!!! I very much enjoyed reading your review! The final version will include a Part D as a conclusion. I've been having a lot of fun making this piece. It's also been taking me a very long time to make. To tell the truth, what made me want to make a full on action movie piece started back last year in November after hearing PeterSatera's "'11 Artificial Intelli Evolved," and I was so surprised by just how amazing and professional it sounds, and for it to be on NG and not some multi million film just left me in awe so much to where I couldn't bring myself to make anything for about 2 weeks until I decided "I wanna make my own epic action movie composition, and make it the very best I can no matter how long it takes!" Thanks again for such a lengthy in depth review!
A collaboration track on audio? This is simply impressive then! The overall tone seems to be having completed the battle of your life and looking back at all the hardships and battles you fought to get to where you are now as you walk off to your hometown to tell of the slaying of the beast that had taken over the land.
The harp seems to play a light mystical tone to the song as one walks on. The flute sounds just perfected here. Gives that feel of being able to simply relax and play for a bit. The dark bass notes on the piano just seem to act as if they were reminding you of going into dark unknown places to try to figure things out and the harp adds on there as if you were tip toeing around the place and trying to be careful of all traps.
The violins and drums combine for a dynamic effect here as showing there were many blood filled battles in your bath too. The lighthearted tone near the end give a feel of finally getting home and just relaxing at long last no longer having to worry about monsters or demons ruling the land.
Overall, great song, would make for either excellent montage of memories or credit music either way or even adventure music. Excellent music collaboration here.
Review Request Club
Hi SCTE3, glad you took the time to write this!
The image you describe reflexes exactly the thought I had in mind, glad we're on the same page here!
Again, glad you took the time to write this, happy you liked it!
Samuel Hébert
This song turned out to be an excellent combination and the acoustic guitar starting things off was a really nice touch. Slowly the piano joins in on the rhythm and they play together as if they were the best of friends and trying to create a new song for the world to enjoy from them. Very beautiful song. This is an awesome combination!!
The acoustic guitar gives that feel like someone actually cares about what happens in your life and that you aren't always alone as the other person joins in on the piano and helps to collaborate on the piece making it all the more cheery.
The orchestra paints vivid imagery The flute was nice to hear on the ears as if slowly lulling you off to sleep for a moment.
Overall, very nice song, I enjoyed it a lot!
Review Request Club
Sorry it took me so long to get back on these review, thank you and I'm glad I was able to portray vividness :)
Very sick beat this song had. Who was the little kid at the start, a sibling? The song has a nice rhythm to it though and the bass ling soothes you into hearing the lyrics of the song too. Great sounding song too, looking forward to future songs from you after hearing this one, neat!!
Thew bass line remains simple and moves to a different note depending on the beat of the rhythm which goes great when enjoying the song in all its entirety. The synth was great and layered too. The main layer plays like a wave enchanting you to keep on hearing while the one in the back seems to sooth you even further while hearing this.
The drum beat was pretty nice yet simple at the same time too. The vocals sound great, what kind of microphone setup are you using? Excellent beat!
Overall, very nice beat to listen to, good work here!!
Review Request Club
i use a regular mic on a mic stand infront of a bed thats pushed up against the wall :) glad the voice comes out the way it does
Simple rhythm this song has. The tune sounds like something you would write lyrics to a light love song for. The tempo and all seems to be pretty calming and very nice on the mind as one listens to the song.
The drums remind me a bit of the older days of Smosh when they did a video every once in awhile instead of every week. The hi hats are also very calming too. The piano is nice to listen to and I like how it flows in this little song. Seems to loop fairly well too.
Overall, soft melody, wonderful.
Review Request Club
Thanks for your constructive criticism.
I tried to make it nice and chill, and it seems to have worked. Maybe my downfall is that it's too calming, and not enough unique individuality in the mix. So I'll work on that next time
Thanks for the review
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05