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Very basic beat

The background beat overall never really changed, the way the bass just starts to pick itself up and into the backbeat sounds pretty awesome. What was that reverse sound you kept you using because it creeped me out a little bit from the sound of it.

The flow of all the tracks mixing it all in together and having it be short sounds nice, add a cut off spot and make it loop properly and the beat could have gone on for a very nice long time.

Review Request Club


Swerve responds:

It is a little demo of what is to come, the full version will have a lot more variation both beat and melody wise. Thanks for your review.

Long intro

Sounds like music to a boss battle, I see you have the same audio sound as with the last audio track you submitted, not saying it's anything bad but you could try to change the background sound from time to time. I like to glitchy sounds you used in this as well. Sounds like a boss battle song where you fight something in a really dark place and all your weapons are useless to it resulting in a game over.

Very nice sounds and glitchy work makes it sounds awesome.

Review Request Club


Silent-G responds:

thanks, I like the imagery you used to describe it. This is my first time using any kind of glitch sounds so I'm glad to hear they worked out.

Sounds good

Sounds like some crazy audio you could use as credit or title screen music in a game. Sounds sort of like it would go good in a fighting or street game of some kind involving drug lords and whatnot. Sounds very nice overall to hear anyway.

I hope to hear more audio from artists like you. :)

Review Request Club


Silent-G responds:

thanks so much for all the positive feedback. It would be really cool to see my music used in a game some day. and keep listening, I'm working on a lot of new tracks right now.

Epic feeling

This seems to have a epic feeling to it, almost like you just did something incredibly fucking awesome and nothing could possibly make you feel down ever again because of it.

Also could go for being a boss fight song or end credits to something epic. Not much I can say here aside from I feel pretty damn epic reviewing this epic piece of work.


FairSquare responds:

Thanks man! :D


Sounds like something someone would be going mad to while stuck inside an insane asylum or if they were having to be forced to face something terrible in their own reality and fight to reclaim themselves.

Also sounds like someone had just lost it and smashed everything to bits. Pretty insane to me as the title itself says, enjoyed it.


Great feel

Reminds me of all the fun times I had using Rikku in the fights, I always used her and Lulu because they made me feel a lot better in the game along wit the fact they both had wonderful attitudes.

If this actually had the lyrics to go with it, it probably could have gone pretty damn smashing. I still enjoyed it overall, much love to FFX I see.


alix1 responds:

:) Yep! Thankies for the review! :))))

Oh Seymour... XD

This reminds me of when I used to have such a hard time fighting Seymour in Final Fantasy X, I would always have him beat but then he just had to bring out Anima. >_>

That thing was a pain in the ass to even beat, but alas after maybe my 20th time I figured out how to beat him and won at least, however he did have a horrible habit of popping up right when you didn't want him to and thus another annoying fight against would begin.

He was most likely the most annoying piece of shit villain in the game but this beat just gives a creepy feeling like he's waiting to get his hands on you and kill you as well as absorb your soul and become one with him.

Wonderful music


alix1 responds:

I HATED that! Anima was sooooo fucking hard to beat. it took me about a week the first time.. lol. Thanks for the review! :)

Not very bad

This could have actually gone somewhere if you added in maybe 1 extra bass beat at the end of this. The drums and synth sounding off together made this sound like a pretty retro song like something from maybe the FF series before it went 3D or a game that had involved using your brain to solve puzzles as well.

While it may not have been a long song it seemed to capture a subtle amount of creativity as well as thoughts. Seems like a song to chill out to as well or maybe just creep people out with.

Overall it wasn't too bad but could have used a bit of improvements.

Looking forward to seeing better tunes from you in the future.
Have a nice day


TwilightShade responds:

By "the end of this", do you mean each individual repetition, or the end of the song as a whole?

Yeah, I'm learning how to use Reason and create electronic music in general. I have a ton of ideas in my head that would most likely put this song to shame, but I find it tough expressing them or finding the right sounds to do the job. I'm taking a basic music theory class next year, and then hopefully again my freshman year of college.

Thanks for the review; it's helpful and good to know that you see creativity; no matter how little. I try to be different when I make music; there's too much of the same garbage nowadays, and I wanna try to reverse that a little bit.

Darkening times...

This just leaves you with a feel that the times have darkened and that you're time is quickly coming as you seek a way to escape from the world and it's inevitable death amongst itself.

The drumming and synth timing was pretty much perfect, I see nothing here to be needed and it looks like it could go for the tops in the audio portal someday, well enjoyed. Have a nice day and I look forward to more music from you.


LightKeeper responds:

I guess I did a good job with the synthesis of the overall environment for the song then. :P I'd love to see this track hit the tops someday, that'd be amazing!

Thanks for the review SCTE#, and I look forward to making more music for you. :)

oh the memories

You really did a number on my head with this one. It brings back old memories of when I had no worries and I just played Sonic all day. It sounds even better than the original Ica Cap song which is seems to be ruled as pretty good in my book.

It also sounds like it could towards being credit music for a game or flash or possibly the music you hear before reaching a final boss. The fade out effect was pretty greatly used to your advantage as well.

Well enjoyed and downloaded.


LightKeeper responds:

Well thanks. I tried to really "remix" this song instead of just remastering it. If there's one thing I've learned, you can't be fully proud of a remix until you add your own element truly to it and remix the composition. Ice Cap has always been one of my favorites from the Sonic classics and I'm glad I've done this song justice. I was also a little worried about the fade, but I'm glad it turned out good.

Thanks for the review SCTE3!

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

Age 31, Female

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