Another great metal piece from you as usual. Reminds me of Saliva and also of Killswitch Engage doing a great piece together. This is an awesome piece of work, I like it a lot, good work here though, pretty wicked!!
Another great metal piece from you as usual. Reminds me of Saliva and also of Killswitch Engage doing a great piece together. This is an awesome piece of work, I like it a lot, good work here though, pretty wicked!!
Thanks man! I used to listen to some Saliva and KSE when I was younger, awesome bands, really helped me evolve musically :)
Sounds quite eggy...
Well this is an eggtastic piece of work you have done mister. The tune does make me think a lot of Tron though and done in a slightly similar style to Daft Punk which is pretty cool anyways. Not too bad though as it carries an awesome beat here and I like it.
The synth is deep and sounds rather cool ans it helps the rest of the beat move forward and keep being great. The bass line seems simple and really nicely done as it gives a techno feel to it. The drums are also very nicely done too I think.
Overall, wonderful work of audio Weebl!!
Sweet hope
This just seems to be a retro like video game song that also fills you with hope as the beat marches forth and makes you feel really happy as well which is very nice too I think. The tune gives a feel that no matter the odds you can survive the battle and beat the end game boss as well. Very nicely done piece and it does seem to have a mix of emotion put into it as well I think so it works.
The piano at the start was rather joyful and then the synth comes in and makes the tune sound very happy as well while you make it to the boss room. The bass line used here is pounding and yet calming as well so it just seems to work. The drums are cool and I like how that works out here I think.
Overall, smoothly calming piece of work that makes you happy with mixed emotions inside.
Well I did find pleasure in hearing this as it felt like you were having a dream of some kind where someone came and helped you get on your feet and took you away from the pains and sorrow of the world so that you can try to find happiness in yourself and then in times others. Very calming and story weaving piece of work I think, I liked it a lot.
The chorus give a feel of some ambient happiness I think and the high female vocal was also very nice too I think. The violins give a feel of great pleasure and calm here. The piano sounds really smooth while the tune is being played here as well. The bass line is very light and gives a feel of the person being able to calm down a bit as well while looking for answers to their own life.
Overall, beautifully composed piece.
Pleasurably interesting
Well this felt great simply listening to this piece of work actually .Kind of like a mind trip of its own and the vocals are dreamy as well as if floating above the clouds and simply enjoying yourself as well. Very nicely done piece of work I think, sounds absolutely grand.
The synth is quite catchy and makes you feel as if smiling and has kind of a spaced out dream feel to it as if capturing what was happening in your mind and putting it all into this song. The bass was nice and fat here I think actually. The drums were cool and had a nice rhythm to them that sounded pretty awesome.
The vocals are quite dreamy and very nice on the ears too I think. Very simple yet lovely.
Overall, calming and smoothly nice piece of audio.
Pretty good
Well so far this seems to be a decent piece of work anyways and I like what you have managed to do. For a test piece it also kind of feels like it would go well in a city level where you don't know if the area is safe or not. Can also kind of see Rainbow Dash doing stuff to this song.
The drums are very simple and clear here so that works out well for people hearing it. The wubs and wobbles sound pretty nice as well I think and seem like they would go well providing they are remixing something cool.
Overall, not bad for practice.
Thx :P
I have been actually planning on making a theme song for the parasprites (A.K.A the fucking trolls that have been removing those episodes) and it would be dubstep.
If i have enough time, i may make one. I just need to work on making beats.
Exactly what are you picturing rainbow dash doing? O_O
Good times
Yes indeed, had some great times playing that game too. Really nice remake of it, just brings a big smile to your face hearing it and remembering what fun it was to play even though there was no save feature on it sadly. Very nice tune it was indeed, excellent remake.
Sounds very close to the theme heard a lot in the original game so that was pretty cool actually. Just gives you a feel of despair as you go everywhere hoping for answers to appear. The drums, wubs, and synth give a slight running feel as if you were trying to escape the mansion at the same time as well while searching for those answers hidden in the mansion somewhere. Nice remix.
Well it does have a dark feel and gives you a feeling of never wanting to leave but also crying because you don't know if you want to open the door and relish in fear of what is out there behind every corner and that giant creature keeps mutter the word STARS but you have no idea what it is talking about as you just run for your life. Very nice remake here.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05