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Not that bad

The guitar beat could have gone a little beat faster so it mixes into the beat a lot better, the part where it did get bit faster could have kept going faster and faster until it broke into solo and then shifted back to your normal beat as well. Although I admit, the solo you had in here sounds pretty nice as well, I liked it a lot.

The drums sounds superb although it could have used a little more bass kicking to it and slightly faster hi hats and cymbals in it, it probably would have sounded sweet if it had a overall flowing drum beat in it as well. During the solo right towards the end of the solo you could have added in real fast drumming to make it sound awesome, pretty good beat overall.

Overall this is a very wonderful beat that you managed to pull off, although it feels like it could have used a bass guitar as well or that or I couldn't hear it.

Nice job

Review Request Club


Sawdust responds:

Thanks, I'll make the adjustments then

Sounds good

Although when a listened to it at a normal tone the piano kind of got really high pitched at some points but that's OK with me, it still sounds like a brilliant Renaissance age beat. It incorporates a piano only as well, sounds like it could have used maybe a small bass instrument for a little more rhythm and storyline to this beat.

Overall this feels like a very well built up beat to listen to as well, enjoyed it quite a bit, good job.

Review Request Club


sarias responds:

didn't really think renaissance at all seeing as the piano wasn't around untill the late 1700's and that is way after the renaissance. The piano is utilized in romantic music. All baroque, and most classical music was actually written for harpsichord.

also its meant to be a piano solo i may add saxophone for the top line because the 2nd part im writing right now is a saxophone solo with piano accomp. which i need for my portfolio ive thought about taking parts of it and making it for sax since the song is already hard to play even for accomplished pianists because theres so much happening at the same time, along with 11ths which can be difficult if you have small hands.

wow i rambled a bit but anyways thanks for the review and yeah i like the upbeatness its something different from what i normally do

Odd intro

The intro somewhat reminds me of hip hop for some reason but once the main beat starts to really kick into gear it sounds like a odd techno beat that I haven't quite heard yet. Makes me think of an army of marching dance robots for some reason doing absolutely nothing but standing.

Considering how different this beat is I must say I am rather impressed with how well you managed to do on this piece of work, the backing beats providing a flat ground to build the beat sounds pretty well built along with the rest of the beat, I really enjoyed it.

Nice job.

Review Request Club


agnryfaic responds:

Hmm, interesting comparison :P
But thanks for the review ;)

Kind of odd.

Starts out silent and then a simple little 2 beat was added a little early in giving it a full feeling of wonderful ambience and peace filling hope. It makes you feel almost as if you were just floating around literally trying to figure out what to do with yourself and your life as well.

Very well done and look forward to hearing more from you. :)

Review Request Club


Pretty damn funny

Sounds like Zapp alright, he was very damn annoying but also very funny. I enjoyed how this humored me all along. I hope to hear you try doing even more voices in the future. Made me chuckle quite a bit. :)

Review Request Club


Coop responds:

Zapp just happened to be the voice that I enjoyed the most when I watch Futurama. I know that some people think that my Nixon isn't too bad either, but perhaps doing this as a bit of fun is a precursor to bigger and better things

Very short and cool

It sounds like a level song for some game where you roam t he streets having to do something about someone. Feels also kind of like you mixed a tiny bit of an old anime tune I once heard ages ago, maybe about 3 seconds of it.

Also makes me think of Resident Evil with the way the piano and bass beat is played overall.

Also kind of creepy. O_o

Review Request Club


SymbolCymbal responds:

well thank you for the ten. yeah it is kinda eery and creepy sounding... there are no samples in this one .. i actually played out every part and made the beat myself.. well except for the voice sample in the beginning.
i was pretty much just messing around when i decided to make this.

thanks for the review mate :)

Very vibrant

Makes you feel like just sitting back and relaxing for an afternoon and forget all of your worries about what has come to bother you and as time passes that day, you start to think of how to fix all of it and make it all go better for everything.

Kind of makes me feel awkward and sad but I liked this beat quite a bit.

Review Request Club


AlexCo responds:

Thanks man :]

I'll make a happier song next time, but still relaxing. Or crazy. :F

Bass made me move a bit

Had to move around a bit when I heard this earlier and the voice makes you feel a little special for some reason, lyrics would have been nice to add to the comment section. Hard to understand but it's the beat that attracts the person to want to listen to the music and feel like grooving to it overall.

Very catchy and very dancy beat you have going there.

Review Request Club


Skela responds:

Thanks for the review.

Not truly my thing

Although jazz isn't really my specialty of music and whatnot, it still has a feel liek you're at a very damn fancy restaurant and they have a little 5 man jazz band playing music for your table and people you brought. Very short but maybe you could have added a jazzier sound like a saxophone into it.

Review Request Club


itsameyayo responds:

Yeah. I was thinking that melody would have been better on a trumpet or saxophone. Maybe I'll put it there sometime soon. Thank you for your review!


Rabid changes

The beat 45 seconds in seemed to change a bit and it didn't feel very much like Heavy metal during most of the intro because I only heard a metal drum beat and then it started to sound like a deeply evil middle age beat and it sounded very wicked overall.

Sounds liek something I would use in a game with a middle age era theme to for a boss that likes to warp around a lot and try act like a god in the game. Sounds very sweet and evil.

Review Request Club


LightKeeper responds:

Yeah haha. I was going for a neo-classical metal sound so there's a lot of fusion between elements of metal and classical. The scale is also set in a harmonic minor which creates that darker tone. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

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