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Pretty damn cool

This song sounds liek it has a bit of techno trance mixed into it. You could have added things Billy May said into to it to make it sound even better, things like "Ka-boom" and "Billy Mays here with" and continued to try sentence splicing and make all the lyrics from Billy Mays himself with huge respect.

He was a great character and the beat of thsi song is pretty damn wonderful, kick ass job on the solo you did there. :-)

Review Request Club


Sawdust responds:

Thanks a bunch man!

Not very bad

The beat seems to be nice and flowing together, could have used a few more hi hats however and a deeper bass kicking to make it sound awesome. Sounds kind of like a softer remake of a Daft Punk song I heard ages ago and that's pretty good. At least the club won't be closing any time soon when they play this beat there.

I can't really see a story for this beat except it feels liek you're at a club trying to avoid being drunk and possible trying to show off some dance moves for no reason, very nice little beat.

Review Request Club


Very funny and sexy XD

The lyrics are pretty damn funny, more educational than school house rock but more sexier. The lyrics ring true though, don't talk to strangers who offer you their candy to you. It reminds you why you shouldn't overload on candy and why you should try to stay as healthy as possible.

This is a very great song with a great message to it, I'd laugh my ass off if they played this on the radio to piss off the wannabe rappers and gangsters, lol.

Review Request Club


Another good effort

The feel does sound a bit like rave but more like a mix between house and techno splashed together to give this kind of feel and this one also holds some sort of story yes? Then again everyone likes to m ake a story to mix with some songs in one way or another. The beat is splendidly done altogether.

It feels like you're stuck in a dark alley trying to escape your past and someone who wants to hunt you down and put you down and out but you have unexplained powers and make one final effort to fight back against them so you can discover who you truly are and finally decide whether to be good or evil without someone constantly hunting you.

Nice job and everything there. :-)

Review Request Club


LightKeeper responds:

It probably feels like house and techno and a rave because I'm not a specialist in any of thos egenres, so I sort of just mash 'em up together unintentionally. :P However, for me personally there is no story but I do find your inventiveness intriguing, as well as your creative thought. Thanks for the review. :) Much appreciated.


Trippy feeling again?..

It feels very very trippy for a trance song but like all songs it feels like it also tells a story with it. You started out in a base on another planet and you have to find a way out somehow before the place is destroyed or whatnot and you find other characters along the way to help you get out of there alive and safely as well. You also run into a bunch of morons trying to get you killed without a reason and you eventually escape somehow with help from others.

Also kind of reminds me of the moon base from Paper Mario:The thousand year door, nicely done music there.

Review Request Club


jxl180 responds:

Thank you for the review!


Pretty good

It feels like it might have a story to it, I'd call it Electro reactor because it feels like you're at a reactor sector in a game and it's the final level as you find all the switches and whatnot trying to force the place to be shut down and then call out on the final boss of the game who had been hiding there all along as well.

As the fight and everything carries on the creature/boss/etc. start to charge to turn back on parts of the building so they can get a slight advantage as the yt ry to elude in the place and then the place begins to fall apart and the final battle would head up to and take place in the skies.

Very nice song there.

Review Request Club


jxl180 responds:

Thanks for the input.


Even more creepy

When I use to have to play the ghost houses in the Mario games the music and silence always creeped me out and this song is full of nostagilia for me and I really enjoyed how you made it a tad bit less creepy and more heavy than the original and I love that a lot. Very nice job you did here.


Very good cover

I liked the cover a lot, the way you covered all of the parts of the original with heavy hitting sounds was just simply amazing and I like that. Probably one of the better loops I've heard from here as well and I very well enjoyed it. Nice job on this piece. :D


Psychotic O_o

This tune creeped me out a bit for some reason which is what I guess you were aiming for and I liked that a lot while I heard it, couldn'tt be any creepier than this I guess.

Very nice trancy beat you have there as well, good job.


la-yinn responds:

Haha, glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the review!

Good editing

I see you redid it and this one sounds a bit better than the original and everything, the beat sounds very good and whatnot. The lyrics kind of try to speak to you as in saying you love the person but you don't know if you should lie about yourself or not but you just want to be with them and be yourself and hope they love you for it.

This is very good and I liked a lot more than the crappy stuff you hear on the radio anymore these days, these are the things they should be playing, not the mainstream. =C

Nice remastering

Review Request Club


djconnect responds:

Thanks for the review. I agree the mainstream media needs help. I am not sure what is going wrong in the industry. Knowing there are still artists out there with class lets me know hip-hop isn't dead, its just hard to find.

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