
3,191 Audio Reviews

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Great vocals and rhythm. The lyrics kind of give off a protective or yandere vibe for Miku in this song. Uplifting and bouncy rhythm, hard to not like this song. :)

This honestly sounds pretty decent. I feel this is what Flowey would sound like. :o

This song makes me feel so nostalgic, good song. Upbeat and positive vibes~

Upbeat and that bass drop is fantastic. ^_^ Great collab, great rhythm, great stuff overall.~

Good stuff, only thing I recommend adding to the "Author Comments" is vocals for those who might not be able to catch what the vocalist is saying.

TSRBand responds:

Thanks for listening :) I'll have to think about posting lyrics with future uploads!

Heavy as fuck! That is some fast guitar and drum shredding. Reminds me of MetalJonus a bit too. :D

TSRBand responds:

Thanks so much! I'm a huge MetalJonus fan, that means a lot :)

Has a feeling of loneliness to it as if the astronaut has nothing to look forward to in the area of space where they are. I am curious as to what the glass / wind chime type sound was though. I assume the other sounds were mainly on piano and string instruments.

Also, not seen you here in forever. :( Hope you are able to stop by and be on Newgrounds a little more often with the upcoming holidays coming closer every day.

SkyeWint responds:

Hey there, NekoMika! Sadly, I've not had too much motivation to make music and have been otherwise busy with school and stuff. I've also been designing a game dungeon, as it turns out. Which is pretty cool!

For the glassy wind chime sound, I assume you mean the sound really clearly audible around 1:10 - in which case... that's actually the one made entirely of square waves! I ran it through a few effect modules (a type of 'bitcrusher', or as close as the program had - and then a vocoder). The other sounds actually aren't piano/strings aside from the very obvious piano lol. They're actually recordings of noise or mic adjustments ran through harmonic amplifiers and formant elements, as well as resynthesis to pitch a few of them around.

Not bad at all, reminds me of Donkey Kong 64, Rayman, and the Spyro series. Keep making more stuff in the future. :)

This is not a bad loop, could work as a menu or background music as it is. Did you plan to add onto it at some point?

Hikari responds:

Yeah, I want to finish this song.

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

Age 31, Female

Joined on 7/19/05

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