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Sounds pretty intense and makes me think the area is probably loaded with Monsters. Fast paced and spooky sounding. Also, was that a Pokemon reference at the start?

Hux52 responds:

Thanks very much! It wasn't an intended Pokemon reference, haha! I got a lot of inspiration from Danny Baranowsky's Super Meat Boy Hell themes, however, along with the major boss themes in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth by Ridiculon.

I could see two felines fighting to this in an animation or fighting game. What plug-ins did you use? :o

Zechnition responds:

I used charlatan, tal-noisemaker, and some chiptune samples. All free software.

Those vocal stutters are great. Kind of wish the rhythm had a bit more sound to it since it just seems like two synths and a basic drum rhythm...

Fantastic piece of history, had no idea his theme would be here on Newgrounds either. Very fitting and short intro piece for his videos.

Frequality responds:

Jon found the soundtrack on newgrounds under the profile name ParaxX and the song was titled "Title theme". Then he asked me if he could use it as a theme song for his upcoming youtube videos.

Fantastic bass and drum beat. Also, is that some Pokemon .vsts I hear being used here and there? Seems fitting for a gaming tune. :3

Preds responds:

Thank you! Umm I think they're SNES + Megadrive .sf2, and some Blue II presets (I cant remember which sorry!). Yep, this is for a game called Hyperstack, in this level you get to fight and the music needs to be intense!

This feels like a 50s aesthetic type beat. Not too bad, Simple rhythm and no additional sounds to keep it as smooth as possible.~

Fantastic yet dirty bass for a battle song, wonderful. :)

Song has a somewhat silly and upbeat tune to it. Would make a great intro or outro for a youtube channel, game, or show. :D Bouncy rhythm and is fun to listen to.~

To this day, this is still the most wholesome and inspiring song I have ever heard on Newgrounds. <3

This feels like it could fit into a variety of video games. It has moments where it feels a tad spooky and the rest has a more "action / fighting" sound to it. Could work well for exploring levels of a pumpkin inspired boss battle. Sounds awesome, has an 80s vibe to it as well. :D

endKmusic responds:

Yeah, it's a mish-mash of bunch of stuff I guess.
I mostly do compose 'action' type of songs, that's why it has that kind of feel (as I see it ^_-). Halloween-ish feel was something extra.
Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed it! :)

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

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