Sounds pretty intense and makes me think the area is probably loaded with Monsters. Fast paced and spooky sounding. Also, was that a Pokemon reference at the start?
Sounds pretty intense and makes me think the area is probably loaded with Monsters. Fast paced and spooky sounding. Also, was that a Pokemon reference at the start?
Thanks very much! It wasn't an intended Pokemon reference, haha! I got a lot of inspiration from Danny Baranowsky's Super Meat Boy Hell themes, however, along with the major boss themes in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth by Ridiculon.
I could see two felines fighting to this in an animation or fighting game. What plug-ins did you use? :o
I used charlatan, tal-noisemaker, and some chiptune samples. All free software.
Those vocal stutters are great. Kind of wish the rhythm had a bit more sound to it since it just seems like two synths and a basic drum rhythm...
Fantastic piece of history, had no idea his theme would be here on Newgrounds either. Very fitting and short intro piece for his videos.
Jon found the soundtrack on newgrounds under the profile name ParaxX and the song was titled "Title theme". Then he asked me if he could use it as a theme song for his upcoming youtube videos.
Fantastic bass and drum beat. Also, is that some Pokemon .vsts I hear being used here and there? Seems fitting for a gaming tune. :3
Thank you! Umm I think they're SNES + Megadrive .sf2, and some Blue II presets (I cant remember which sorry!). Yep, this is for a game called Hyperstack, in this level you get to fight and the music needs to be intense!
This feels like a 50s aesthetic type beat. Not too bad, Simple rhythm and no additional sounds to keep it as smooth as possible.~
Fantastic yet dirty bass for a battle song, wonderful. :)
Song has a somewhat silly and upbeat tune to it. Would make a great intro or outro for a youtube channel, game, or show. :D Bouncy rhythm and is fun to listen to.~
To this day, this is still the most wholesome and inspiring song I have ever heard on Newgrounds. <3
This feels like it could fit into a variety of video games. It has moments where it feels a tad spooky and the rest has a more "action / fighting" sound to it. Could work well for exploring levels of a pumpkin inspired boss battle. Sounds awesome, has an 80s vibe to it as well. :D
Yeah, it's a mish-mash of bunch of stuff I guess.
I mostly do compose 'action' type of songs, that's why it has that kind of feel (as I see it ^_-). Halloween-ish feel was something extra.
Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed it! :)
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05