That trumpet is great, digging the beat, cannot recall which boss this tune was for though. ;-;
That trumpet is great, digging the beat, cannot recall which boss this tune was for though. ;-;
It wasn't for a boss! The fighting games had themes for everyone but also just generic battle music like this. :)
Pretty good cover. Here's hoping Reisen doesn't snap her fingers to make things more difficult during the boss fight, lol. Any plans to cover any other Touhou songs? This one is a pretty cool cover, that guitar breakdown was fun to listen to.
Thank you!! We play on normal to avoid such STRESS.
I've covered many Touhou songs throughout the years, and don't plan on stopping. Here's a list of ones available on my page (although they are old.)
TH12 Stage 1:
TH10 Stage 3:
TH10.5 Fragrant Plants Mix:
TH12.5 Stage 1:
TH07 Stage 2:
This is so motivating, is that some banjo I hear tossed into the mix? Delightful :D
Delightful, relaxing, and amazing. I always look forward to new stuff from you, your music is always such a bop. :D
One hell of a bop, I feel the wubs could have been lowered in volume by 2-4% but otherwise, I enjoy the sound of this.
Not heard this style of drum and bass in so long, damn good genre too I think. I hope to hear more like this in the future. :D
Sounds great, reminds me of watching 90s anime where they have a cheesy synth but super upbeat scenes about romance and whatnot. Groovy tune~
Damn, this has a really Sonic Mania vibe + Future Funk vibe to it. I love it. Could also fit for a very fast paced type of boss battle. <3
I'm thinking the same!
Thanks for the review Neko, glad you like it! <3
Easy on the ears and the whirring noises make me think of someone turning on machines while they sleep so that their work can continue. Robotic lullaby maybe?
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05