Kind of does make you feel as if you were relaxing and hidden in a tunnel in a strange sort of way. The angelic sounding choir kind of makes it feel as if it were a post apocalypse piece. Sounds very good though, nice work.
Kind of does make you feel as if you were relaxing and hidden in a tunnel in a strange sort of way. The angelic sounding choir kind of makes it feel as if it were a post apocalypse piece. Sounds very good though, nice work.
Kind of starts out it feels a bit calm and then it just starts to feel like chaos is about to breakout and you have no idea what you are supposed to do to stop it from happening. I think this was pretty cool.
The drums start soft and silent and then just make you think of a guy running through a city, saving a cat and a girl from the tsunami as he ducks into a building and tries to get to the roof for safety. The ambient bass line is also very cool here.
Overall, nice beat, cool to know you made it with headphones.
Great remake
Smithy was one of those few Mario final bosses that had a bad ass theme to go with how they behaved. I found this tune fitting. However I found him annoying as he went through several forms with each of them having several thousand hit points.
The laugh was just the cherry on the milkshake here. I like the quirky playing of the synth here, it just blast out and sounds quite great in my opinion as well. The drums are very cool here and sound brilliant with the slight echo effect from time to time. The bass line is very quirky yet awesome.
Overall, amazingly brilliant cover of a great boss fight!!
Admin battle
I remember just sitting there and enjoying the beat of the admin battle theme as it gets you really pumped up like you are doing something dramatic that shall forever change the world suddenly with one battle.
The drums are very fast here and I like how they sound. The bass line sounds excellent and provides a very fast beat that would be fun to learn. The two synths just sound quite amazing when they work together to provide the amazing beat that they do.
Overall, awesome cover, good times!
Excellent remake
The guitar just makes it a whole lot better and even more brutal in this remake. This piece just reminds me of how much of a bad ass Lance was, used three Dragonites and unless you had an ice type it was going to be a long haul to beat him!
The guitar sounds rather awesome in this piece. Love the double bass on the drums, they just seem to emphasize that you will have to fight if you wish to win. The bass line was rather nice too. I like how you can hear a beat of the actual tune under all the layers of music as well.
Very nice yells as well!!
Overall, sick remake.
Not bad
I found this to be a charming and silly remake of a nice tune from a fun game. I actually played it earlier today too.
The xylophone made it all worth listening to. The accordion sounded pretty nice as well so I think you had that going for you as well. Like the trombone being used in here as well.
Overall, cute remix.
I like how it mostly starts with a piano. Then drums, wind, and a soft bass line come in and add some life to it as well. I think this piece turned out rather nice. The guitar that comes in sounds quite awesome. Sounds kind of ambient as well.
The guitar sounds rather wicked in this piece and kind of makes me think of Silent Hill. the ambient synth/piano sounds very harsh yet dark as well in this one. The drums are very simple and lay out a nice beat for the song. I hear a slight bass line playing here that is quite interesting.
Overall, very cool piece, nice title name as well.
Thank you for the review. Yours are always helpful and appreciated.
Very nice remake
Although the tune kind of makes me think of Final Fantasy XII a lot actually. The tune is very nice and uplifting though. It sounds rather nice as well so you did well on this piece.
The bass line is very heavy and nice sounding in this piece. The piano/synth both sound nice here as well. The wind instrument sounds rather cool as well. Like how simple and catchy the drum beat sounds here. The tune just makes you feel nice.
Overall, nice loop, would make for an ice menu song.
For a style mixture of two pieces it sounds great. Like how you took the light synth from Owen was Her and simply made it sound like it was the vocals to the song Bad Apple so very nice work on doing that here. The mixture of the two beats sounds fine with me. Like how this one went as well. Good lock on future pieces.
Funny title
Of all the touhou beats I enjoy I always thought this was the funniest of the titled songs I have heard. The beat is just great sounding. For an old remix of a song, it actually does not sound bad. Really like the bass line here, provides a great beat.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05