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This is a great cover. Love how you did not translate it, should make a second version with it translated so users can understand if they don't like trying to translate Japanese at all. Really cool song though.

The guitar sounds really nice and I liked it. The bass is very simple and nice to hear. The drums make this a very nice piece to hear. The vocals are really cool, nice work in that area.

Overall, neat.

Review Request Club

smilingpig67 responds:

Thanks! :D

Yay for fun times

Reminds me of how fun that game always was and will be too. Really brilliant cover. I think the only thing possibly missing is that little reverse sound you hear in the tune that pops in from time to time.

Really like how you used two guitars. One playing a main rhythm and the other acting as a lead and playing some beautiful solos that capture the imagery of the route and that freaking Sudowoodo who took forever to get.

The bass here sounds awesome as well. It just plays a smooth rhythm and almost like the bass line from that area in the game. The drums are the last piece and sound quite awesome.

Overall, awesome cover, loved it.

Maelstromrealm responds:

Thanks! I had composed this remix a while ago (the drums were recently redone though), the new sound engine of guitar pro 6 really makes for some nice sounding samples.

Kind of weird

Hey, um, ok, nah, just kidding. No but seriously, this piece makes me sound and feel weird. Also really makes me think of Resident Evil 2 and 3 actually. It is a very well composed piece so you did a really nice job on it.

The ambient synth notes being hit are very soft and kind of make you think something dramatic is happening. The the creepy reverse sound of what appears to be a dropping item make this just feel pretty creepy to me. It makes the piece good though.

The drums sound really light and have a nice filter effect placed on them as well so that was actually pretty good for me. I think this piece just really talks for itself for most of it as it makes you feel weird.

Overall, greatly creepy thinking piece.

KKSlider60 responds:

I love reading the various interpretations about my tracks. One could feel completely chilled after hearing this, another could feel unsettled and disturbed. I tell you, I think most people fear their own subconscious, but once you overcome this barrier, it'll become easier to discover and understand yourself.

Thanks for your review and analysis as always,

Sounds good to me

Soft intro followed by heavy pounding was a nice idea for this heavy piece. Can kind of see kittens playing this metal music while another kitten gets ready to mew into the mic. Good demo so far.

The guitar sounds good and solid to me so nothing to worry about there when you get to the full piece. The keyboard sounds really nice so I liked that as well. The bass here is very smooth and sounds greatly easy on the ears. The drums being the last piece sound loud, sloppy, and awesome.

Overall, sounds good so far.

Ritz190 responds:

Thank you! :D I'm going to work more on the quality of the drums. Thanks for the review dude. i'll take it to heart and work this to perfection!

Great battle

Haha, yea I remember when I had this game and gotten here with everyone without ever finding the chaos emeralds sadly. I always thought this was a dynamic piece and I really like how this cover captures that feeling all over again as it lures you into knowing you have one final showdown with Robotnik once again.

The choir was really nice and I like how it makes you feel as if it was the final thing you may do, then again I spent a couple of weeks just trying to beat the second part of the level, lol. The piano sounds really fast and dynamic here, great!! The synth when it comes in sounds pretty cool to me.

The drums are great and provide some great balance to the piece. Really love what you did here. Thanks for the memories.

Overall, wonderful cover of a cool track.

Shanath responds:

Yeah the SA games were pretty awesome, overall. One of my favorite levels in the games, mainly due to the music. I don't think Sega's later tracks have matched this piece's intensity since then.

Glad you enjoyed it.


This one does seem to motivate you to dance which is a good goal to have in mind with any dance track, you don't want it boring, you want it exciting, great job there.

The piano sounds really cute here I guess, nicely done on making the piano sound great as you did. When the bass pumps into action you can just tell it is going to be a great tune to listen to as it continues on playing an amazing piece of work. The vocals were pretty cool to add in as well.

The synth here sounds pretty nice even though it also sounds as if it is broken up to help provide a rhythm. The drums sounded pretty cool and like how they had a little quick buildup later in the song.

Overall, cool dance track.

Nice piece

Certainly reminds me of how much fun I had playing the game. The only part of the village I never enjoyed was having to get those darn chickens. They took me forever since one of them was behind a fence and near a hole.

The piano sounds very nice here actually. Nice work on doing the drums too since they make this piece even better.

Overall, wonderful piece.

TheElementalProdigy responds:

Very Many Thank You's Have Been Sent Your Way! And Yes, Damn Those Chickens.
Thanks For The Review!!

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