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The song is now 20% creepier. Nice going there. Really like the atmosphere though, really fits into the Lavender Town feel and emotion of the place. Also the only place where Team Rocket admits to having killed Pokemon for profit.

Best remake so far

However not my favorite since when you look up any kind of Mario game almost all of them have a variation of this one in there some place, oh well. Really like how this remix works out, it turns from dark and gloomy to dark and sinister.

The guitar is great and I like how you get those extra effects by mixing in those synths a tiny bit as well. Crazy solo is amazing. I like the smooth bass line at work as well, just completely great and well composed as always. The drums are great and sound really cool here.

Overall, great remake.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks! I did'nt want to be like everyone else and keep it the same musically. My remixes are'nt known for that. The synths are cool imo luckily I have an awesome gf who is going to get me a midi controller for my bday!

Great remix

Sad thing is I never knew about that game until after the remakes and I saw it on the radio in the afternoon. Goodies get a whole lot better with time but it takes awhile. Really coo lrave like remix though so great working doing this one.


Love how you used my favorite of The Shining as the intro, brilliant and amazing to me. Then the brutal drum kicks come in and make it all go away as she relaxes with him. Great vocals as usual, sounds awesome. If I weren't so skittish and shy I would probably spend a lot of time recording vocals along with playing guitar more often. :C

The guitar sounds bloody amazing and just completely kicking you in the teeth. Awesome!! The bass is very smooth and makes the guitar and vocals sound louder which is always good. The drums just keep coming at you with the brutality of love put into them.

Overall, going to love watching you guys if you ever get to go on tour somewhere.

AbsenceofFear responds:

Thanks! I love the shining and this song fit is perfectly! Don't be shy mang record some shit with vocals and post it!

Shit is cash

All I got to say is this is quite mind boggling and wonderfully insane. The tune makes you really want to headbang. The vocals sound quite unreal as well. Sounds like growling mixed with rough singing which makes it sound all the more better to me.

The guitar in play is quite awesome is all I got to say for you. It sounds quite awesome and played out more than amazingly here. The bass is furious and deep, listening in close enough it can be heard which is always good to know. Lastly I love the freaking drums, the double kicks are great. Also kind of makes you laugh a bit since playing a double bass always makes you look like yo uare running. Always a great workout though right?

Overall, \m/ (-_-)\m/

AbsenceofFear responds:

Thanks dude! We worked hard to make everything perfect and I agree double bass is pretty much running in place lol jk. Thanks again!


Well I do have to say this one sounds awesome, deep, loud, and just grinds you to the edge of insanity. Excellent piece of music as always.

Sad times

Reminds me of when I use to play Kingdom Hearts II a lot. They would play this music at the scenes where they appeared and you always had mixed emotions of anger, hatred, and crying. I always liked Namine as well and also felt sorry for how they treated her. :C

Thank you for making a wonderful piano cover. It was great.

Overall, very nice piano cover.


Such good times were had trying to beat that course. No matter what console version of this track you play it was always dangerous as they were no guards stopping you from falling off. Also in the final chapter on F-Zero GX there is a track called Rainbow Road that is hard as well.

The piano sounded very clean and soft here so that was quite relaxing to my ears. The synth sounded pretty cool holding a rhythm and sounding a bit like a guitar. Bass line here was snazzy and pretty keen. The drums were last and help make this a full beat.

Overall, really nice tune. Good times from that game too.

VGSongbird responds:

Lol thank you. ^_^ You always seem to really listen to the music and review it accordingly. I will get a 10 out of you someday ;) lol
Thank you, seriously.

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