
916 Movie Reviews

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Dizzy indeed

Well I found this "movie" to be pretty good yet very dizzying at the same time. However I would much rather have this under a game category since it's more or less you clicking through a few slides and watching the circles go back and forth on color and keeping you confusing. As for getting medals here they were rather easy actually.

The graphics were kind of stale feeling but I guess it was a good idea to keep the background bland as it may have taken away from the dizzy circles that were all over the place too. The circles were nice and the last frame seems to combine them all except for the hidden circle which is pretty easy to find too.

The audio used was real soothing and gave a comfortingly strange feeling of knowing it was all an illusion you were watching here and none of it was real thankfully. Very nice choice in music though. Sad to hear the one song got removed before you credit it too.

The medals here weren't all that hard to get either which was great making them some easy medals. I guess you could have added a couple more for the fun of it but I guess getting the three hidden medals here was enough. Good fun in finding all three of them too I think, spent a bit of time getting them. Neat work there.

Overall, fun, dizzy, and easy game to play. Nice work here.

Flint and Evil

Well this one made me laugh a good amount actually. Fairly humorous since you keep adding ideas to the film that slightly annoy Nick as well. I guess you were wanting to be a cowboy and that was a reference to the Dallas Cowboys football team as you went on to play Foozball right?

Then Nick kept having to roll with your ideas as you gave them too. The gun and katana were pretty sweet. Where did you manage to get them anyways? A weapon shop? Also laughed when you got killed by him "stabbing" you in the head with a zucchini as that was unexpected along with the barrier and all.

Liked how you two were playing Resident Evil 4 on the TV, used to absolutely love playing that game as it was lots of fun. Too bad it never allowed two player capability although it could have been possibly if player two could have Ashley using weapons.

The chair Nick sat in looked nice too, plan to get one of those in the far future too. However the idea trading off was pretty funny and the sound effect added for the "barrier" was alright.

I think one thing that could have been fixed is the vocal syncing at the start. Could have been far easier if you two had recorded yourselves saying it at the same time and at the same speed, would have been less messy sounding. The ending was pretty funny since Nick looked depressed as you were filthy rich from your Billy the belt buckle movie. He then plans to get you. I guess a part two to this would be great.

Overall, would work on the vocals at the start, that and maybe could have spent a bit of time editing in more sounds to make it even more interesting. Did get a good laugh how at the start it sounded like they were going to do a parody of the game they were playing, Resident Evil 4.

Review Request Club

Fro responds:

Me no like Dallas :(

We got the weapons from a real Ninja and Cowboy down the street!

Resident Evil 5 actually, this is how we had multiplayer. We were playing on the hardest difficulty on a boss fight and we actually died during the video. The chair is awesome btw, I've slept on it.


I think a sequel to this would turn out hilarious.

Not the best preview

Probably not the best preview or piece I've seen you do on here. I think instead of using the music you have for the text parts you could have tried using a darker tone and theme too. I think something else that could have been changed was the part where it said "June 2009", kind of just lets people know this was an old project you never got finished with until recently.

As for editing I think the transitions could have been smoother or even better instead of a black background you could have had the text over the area except change the part from normal to inverted to give it a somewhat scary feel to the piece.

I did find it at the end to be funny at least "And of course....." "shit", "shit".... That was kind of funny anyways. I think the size is small so you could have done much more with this preview in term of how you presented and tried something better then text to video to text at least.

Overall, I would simply suggest working on editing skills for previews, aside from that, not too bad.

Review Request Club

Fro responds:

Yeah, the movie was actually submitted in 2009 and you reviewed it then too. You don't remember it huh?

The shit joke is a lot funnier if you've watched all of our movies. We either yell shit or son of a bitch multiple times throughout an episode.

Very nice

Well I enjoy how you parodied the lyrics to fit Ditsy Doo instead of what they actually are which worked out rather fine to me. The imagery was also rather nice and I like how it had that magical girl opening to i t or in this case magical mailmare feel to it where she just wants muffins but life is always there to kind of stop her as she cares for someone's little sister and Carrot Top, Berry Punch, and others always have letters and gifts to send everywhere.

The animation here was rather surprising in that it was quite well and I like how you tried to get rather close to the anime style that seems to have inspired this piece as well. I also love how the start has her with a letter in her mouth and it gives a feel that maybe she wrote the lyrics when she mistranslated them to fit her instead, it still had a nice quality feel to them. Loved how the end of it shows her walking off with her friend Carrot Top near Cherry blossom trees.

Also liked how you featured quite a few ponies here in this piece. The next to last part where she just states she loves muffins would make an excellent wallpaper I think. Very well done piece.

Overall, great piece, has a very cheery feel to it. Looking forward to your next piece.

Very humorous

Well I see you did well here and it took a few moments to figure out that random blob shape was actually Wale's country shape I think. This was a really short and pretty humorously put animation as well. I enjoyed how it seemed to stereotype some TV shows too cutting straight to the point and showing what they tend to do from time to time.

The animation here was quite well done. However I think it could have been a bit more funny at the start if Wales when busting through the ceiling caused a Wale shaped hole with a couple of chunks falling with it too. The fight in space was funny and I like how stuck with physics since the drink in the cup was falling out extremely slow. Funny how his words hurt Wale and then they cause a giant explosion in space as the fight starts and ends, humorous there. Then it cuts to saying visit Wales with the flag of Wales?

The audio here was nice although I think the censor beep at the start could have been just a little shorter actually. The sounds used for the phone, ceiling breaking, flying up, and the explosion at the end were all nice too since it gives a feel it is probably going to happen somewhere. Then the voices were also good, did you do them all including the advert voice at the end?

I suppose the plot and animation could have been a bit longer or you could have shown us what happened at the end after the explosion. That and possibly giving both characters accents as if they were from Wales rather than English accents too. Aside from that, very well done animating and short piece.

Overall, rather humorous and nice short piece, very likable.

Review Request Club


Well this looks like it took a good long time to complete on the DS so was it frame by frame or actually recorded frame by frame as you drew them? Nice to see this though as we were doing these kind of submissions long before youtube came along, you remember the parody game and movie pieces Knox used to do? Good times.

The art of this was simply great and probably more than I could do on my DS anyways, mostly because I doubt I would be patient enough to draw a full animation for two hours on the DS. I liked how near the end when he ate the box with his tongue that you used a Yoshi tongue sound effect to help show what was going on there.

The music used was fitting, I'm guessing it was a remixed piece from Super Smash Bros. right?

The story was interesting as he cut his own tongue which sent him flying then falling back down to earth and he ate a box for some reason. Then glasses looked real detailed and then it started to static and ended. I guess this was for effect as well right? Very nice if it was.

Overall, very entertaining animation all done on the DS, very well done.

Review Request Club

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

You were correct in guessing the music was from a nintendo video game however the track was from earth defense force not super smash brothers.

I haven't been making pictomations before youtube however i have been making flash since as early as 2003.

Knox actually released a movie that has a cast entirely of sock puppets and even though i'm not a fan of his work.

I like the idea of a sock puppet movie.


Very well done once more

I actually got a good laugh from this too. Anyone who played the game would know the reward was a cake at the end. Kind of hilarious how Mario....... and Luigi both forgot that and wanted to have her instead. She probably would have put out I guess if she was dating them but she never really has, she just gets rescued by them and their friends a lot. Very well done piece, I got a good laugh.

The animation was rather great. Loved how it has a cartoonish feel as always and kind of reminded me of RogerrgoRRoger's animation style a tiny bit too. Like him you are also great with your humor here. Great instant transition between the battle area and the castle. Guess it kind of felt like you were saying the battle took place right over the hill away from the castle.

Got an ice laugh seeing Lakitu with a girl instead of watching Mario all the time. Then there was Yoshi holding a sign on the roof. It flashes real fast so you have to watch it a couple of times to see what it said. Good censoring of Mario and Luigi too. So I guess they planned to have sex from the start right?

The voice acting was great. Shock-Dingo, Seymour, and you all have great voices I think. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more from you as well on here.

Overall, greatly done and hilarious.

Not too bad, short

Well I was expecting a bit more from this but kind of sad that it is really short as it is. If you have a tablet I would just practice drawing so that it looks a bit better too. If not then I guess practice with what you have, although if it is on a laptop I guess drawing with the touchpad is rather difficult right? Not too bad though, I just hoped it would be a bit longer.

The audio of choice was nice and I noticed when I hit replay that there is really no sounds clashing since once the flash was nearly done the song had nearly finished and then it loops again which is nice and clean. The gun shot sounds were nice too. Not too sure why the boxes had words on them or anything either.

The animation was mediocre at best. I would just try to spend a bit more time drawing is all. The only real animation error I even took notice too was the car in the upper left. I think the gray cement and black pavement could have at least blended a bit more smoothly anyways. The light was nice and I like how it stays transparent too. The nice sky is also nice.

Overall, not too bad at all. I would just suggest drawing a bit, you seem to do just fine on everything else though. Not too bad for a little project to help you get you off your hiatus.

Review Request Club

Phantox responds:

It was just a short animation so I can resharpen my animation skills. I'm also using a mouse+keyboard. I like this drawing style, though. My friends always tell me it looks like south park.

The song actually does clash if the replay button is pressed too quickly. Thanks for reminding me because I forgot to put the stop sounds actionscript on the replay button. Anyways, I always try to have the best quality audio for my submissions.

I don't understand what you mean with the cement blending in though. Do you mean make it darker under the car?

Thanks for your review. I'll see about making the characters have more details

Well done

This was a rather well done piece of work and I enjoyed it a lot. Very hilarious crossover anyways. How did you free them without the key anyways? Oh well, who cares, the ponies have been saved of Discord and now we know what really happened to him.

The graphics were real simplistic with black and white and red for Twilight's blood which all turned out well I think. Very awesome animating. Loved the hilarious Twist ending with her being given a clown horn until her's grew back. Hilarious.

The audio was awesome and the music kept you wanting to watch more and more of this. Only thing I would change maybe is some voices and give them actual voices rather than speakonia on all but Fluttershy. Not bad but just would be nice to see once anyways.

Overall, awesome!!

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

Age 32, Female

Joined on 7/19/05

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