Seems like a decent ambient tune but I noticed that for whatever reason, the audio is heavily on the left side, seems pretty unbalanced there but otherwise, a good tune.
Seems like a decent ambient tune but I noticed that for whatever reason, the audio is heavily on the left side, seems pretty unbalanced there but otherwise, a good tune.
This is a good tune, sounds like something to enjoy while going for an early morning or late afternoon drive and just taking in all the scenery around you.
It's definitely suitable for just taking in the moment, I agree 100%! Check out the rest of my music if you get a chance, I get that comment on a lot of the things I make! I'm releasing an album and it's currently available for pre-order!
A nice melody, kind of sounds like something I would hear while relaxing and drinking some tea and eating a muffin at a small cafe. This tune is so calm and pleasant on the ears. Loving the tune of the guitar most of all though. <3
Bouncy and an upbeat tune as well. Reminds me of older flash games that had you running from point a to point b really quickly while jovial music would play for the bgm. Nothing seems to sound out of place or like it would require improvement. The breakdown towards the middle of the song sounded fun. This would fit very well in a platformer game of some kind. :D
Reminds me of old hentai games, RPG games, and 90s anime I grew up watching. A very nostalgic tune I suppose would be the right way to say it? I like the fun uplifting sound of the song but I assume by the song name, this would probably fit in a rom-com sci-fi anime where someone is gaining doubt over their significant other or something? Fun tune to hear regardless, I like it.
haha, thanks!
Hella amazing song, loving it! :D
I like this. Feels like the ending of an anime and this plays while the credits roll and show the aftermath and the planet finally starting to heal from all the chaos, nice tune.~
Thank you!~ and as for the Feels you got, I can agree aswell! :D
A decent remix, the song feels rather lacking in overall tone. It feels like there is a lot of empty space that could be worked with. It feels like an underlying bass might help this song sound better in my opinion. Other than that, this seems like a decent sounding remix of a good Gooseworx song.
Emotional and a that brassy synth is hella strong. The vocals used are not bad, makes me wonder what the story to the song is. Seems more uplifting than sad for the first half and then the latter parts of the song get sadder sounding while maintaining the overall rhythm. Sounds really nice.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05