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This could probably use a bit of mastering and cleaning up but it otherwise sounds pretty decent to be honest. Makes me think of the first 2 Resident Evil games which were very synth + reverb heavy for a lot of the ambient tracks to add more to the atmosphere.

Glorious! Reminds me of early 00s' anime for some reason though. Would work as an opening or closing to a newer anime too, beautiful piece, I really enjoyed it. ^~^

KORAII responds:

heheh, thanks for the kind words :)

Fabulous remix of an amazing song, I like it, this is some truly funky stuff. XD

A rather chill piece, gives a feeling of falling endlessly into an abyss while hoping the light in your own heart and can somehow save you from your own darkness as you keep falling. The main synth gives me a lot of nostalgia for some reason which is not a bad thing. New follower, cannot wait to hear more from you. :)

"Move the payload, move the payload, move the payload." Indeed, failure awaits those who cannot stick with the objective. ;-;

That bass is pretty damn nice though, cannot really think of anything that could be improved aside from the main synth having a crisper sound to it.

Cimba responds:

Hey I appreciate That! Thank you

It is not a bad song but it feels too quit for the most part. If you gave it a more lively bass and a bouncy main synthline,I think this would count more as Happy Hardcore at that point, otherwise this just seems more like a mix of techno-rock and a dash of Drum and Bass rhythm tossed into the mix. Hope your future works are better. :)

hardcorescm responds:


Thanks for the ideas - with this one I was trying to have the melodies mostly on the guitars, with minimal synthing. If i do future ones i'll bear your comments in mind, maybe do a mix of alternating synth sections and more rocky sections? who knows where the muse will take us :)

That bass hits hard as hell! Cannot seem to hear anything on this one that could be improved honestly, hope you keep making more hard hitting fast tracks like this, good stuff!! :D

Not sure if the song sounding filtered like it was in a large room was intentional or not. Kind of reminds me of animes where there would be background music filtered and playing while they dramatically roam around or at nightclubs doing whatever.

The tune is calming and not bad for a nighttime drive honestly, hope to hear more tunes from you in the future. :)

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

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