nice tune
You used window sounds only.Not bad for a good tune either.I liked it!
nice tune
You used window sounds only.Not bad for a good tune either.I liked it!
Uh No i didnt, composed it all on FL Stuido
Thanks for the review.
good lullaby tune
It sounds almost like it could put you to sleep when you hear it!
A review two minutes after I submited it! O.o
And about the lullaby: Yes, it did put me to sleep many times while I was making this! :D (jk)
Many thanks for the kind review. :)
guitar hero
Ive seen this for guitar hero.This actually maybe on of the best guitar songs ive heard in quite some time as well.This tune just rocks my sox.I hope you make a v3 soon as well!
really cool
This tune is just so weird and good for techno.If its loud enough it sounds like a concert too!
really great
Sounds like a victory song remake.Really great job on doing this remake as well!
haha just submitted and i got a review!
thanks :D
radio wise
The beginning sounds like its from radio then quickly sounds like a super fast and sweet dancing song.I enjoyed this tune quite well.Have fun on the bext few you make!
Really great remix
Sounds like its from Final Fantasy 4 advance.Not a bad remake though.Great electric piano sounds as well
really together
Really a great tune.The lyrics were well sung as well.I liked the song for it is made of!
awesome remix
Sounds like a hardcore rock remix of the boss fight.I enjoyed this a lot.I never played golde sun much.Final boss was hard though.Great tune you made here!
so soft
Sounds like soft rock.Its just a really sad tune as well.Makes you want to cry inside.I enjoyed this tune so much!
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05