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Sounds wicked

Well I can truly see this being used in some silly minigame where you run around on a skyscraper while fighting off things as well which is pretty cool. Also digging how quick the beat here is which makes it all the more better to me I think.

The trumpets sound awesome and I like how upbeat they manage to stay aloft here. The synth line is rather simple but provides a simplistic back bone beat to the whole beat. The drums finish off the song with their rapid playing and kind of make you feel the rush of wanting to run along a skyscrapers without the chance of falling off.

Overall, great beat, looking forward to the game.

FuNaNdMoRe responds:

Thanks for your positive feedback :)

Enjoy the game!


This is quite nice. I can see it being used as a fight song for an urban town in a fighting game actually. You against all the guys trying to get a piece of you but do not even know you. This is going to be one heck of a fight I can tell you. Good beat, tells a cool fight story I suppose.

The synths blast away into your subconscious and make whatever crappy thoughts you have become a whole lot better as it keeps going deeper and deeper and makes you feel better inside. The drums and bass line are awesome but the drums provide a really kicking beat and I like that here.

Overall, this turned out to be a pretty catchy fighting beat. Nice work.

Review Request Club

Alright I suppose

This seems to be alright, not the best but I guess it has potential for being a good metal song anyways I guess. The main beat and lyrics here kind of cool sounding. The main thing to point out is I can not understand a word of what you say. You could speak up and make it more audible to what you are saying anyways.

The guitar sounds good which is cool. I like how it goes back between two notes then switches to the main riff. The drums have a good rhythm going on here as well. The bass line is simple yet nearly unhearable here.

Overall, speak up a little more and this should be a lot better.

Review Request Club

Jeffaro responds:

I didn't record bass for this song because my hand hurts when playing at this speed.

Also as far as the vocals go... I'm a shitty growler, so thats why I keep the vocal track at a low volume.

Soft brilliance

This is actually a pretty sorrow filled and dark sounding piano lullaby. I have no idea but it kind of feels like an intro to the final boss set of Final Fantasy VIII where almost all the songs in the final string of boss battles started out classical and each one added a different tone to the final beat.

The beat here is very soft and short. I like how some of the keys are heavily hit while most of the others are tapped lightly to keep in beat the main idea of the tune. This is just a real sorrow filled and evil sounding piano piece I guess.

Overall, makes me think of Final Fantasy VIII and Evanescence.

Review Request Club


I could see this being used as a song for a sad part in a movie where two characters are parting ways for one reason or another whether it be fighting something or looking for a better place to be themselves. This is just a sad but urban feeling piece.

The long ambient bass lines give the song a nostalgic feel to the beat. The piano kind of makes you want to go back in time a little bit here. The drums kind of lay down the back bone of the song and give the song a strange feel as they change from time to time too. The whole beat together is nicely done.

Overall, good tune.

Review Request Club


This was a very calming piece anyways. Kind of just makes you wish to sit down and simply enjoy the nicer things in life such as friends, hugs, and possibly your pet cat sitting on your lap sleeping in a funny position. Maybe even sitting with your girlfriend/boyfriend as you both kind of just sit there watching tv or role playing while cosplaying as well.

The piano is very soft here and soothing. The very light notes in the background kind of give off the effect of someone just relaxing while they also play a piano in the foreground. The other soft sounds are very nice to hear here.

Overall, soft and kind.

Review Request Club

Tense piece

Kind of gives the feeling that something is about to go down or possibly get destroyed. I can just see a bunch of people marching very slow and dramatically to this music before stabbing others with a sword to the heart.

The classical instruments sound very intense and the bass line along with drums make it feel quite tense. The flow of the song gives off a feeling as if this could be your last stand for something or another. Have no idea what the stand is for but you are fighting blindly for it.

Overall, great tense piece.

Review Request Club

Stargenx responds:

Thanks for the review! It does somewhat sound like that.

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

Age 31, Female

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