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Sounds alright

Very long build up though don't you think? I can slowly hear the bass line picking up and starting though so that is nice to hear. Then the drums slowly come into play as well so that was good to know. The drums just play very lightly but very slowly come into the picture of the beat.

Then the full beat begins with the drums pounding and bass synth playing a good beat. Can not really hear the vocals though sadly for most of the tune here sadly. Also on a less related note this sounds more ambient to me once you take away the vocals from the mix.

The vocals come a bit louder near the two minute mark here but it is still hard to understand what it is saying. So I guess you either need a better mic or you simply need to speak up so people can hear you.

Overall, without vocals it sounds ambient. As for vocals, either speak up or get a better mic, not a bad try though.

Review Request Club

Deep and dark

I kind of got more of a Resident Evil feel from this actually. Very dark tones from this piece kind of make you feel as if you were walking down a street and wondering where the zombies and possible survivors are at as well. I just seem to think this would go well in a dark part of an anime, RPG, or a horror game.

The piano seems very somber and dark feeling here. The synth playing ambient notes in the background makes it feel even darker. The drums hold onto a dramatic feel with themselves. The bass line provides a nice rhythm as well.

Overall, very dark video game song.

Review Request Club

MeteorManMike responds:

Awesome, that's just what I was trying for. Seems a bit dramatic for a horror game, those tracks are more suspenseful/quiet, while this one is supposed to reflect that the horror has already happened. Thanks for reviewing, and glad you liked it!


I can see where it feels like a Japanese piece with the way the synth sounding device plays here. The ambient background notes make it feel slightly sad though. The bass line is a good piece here and makes you feel happy. I lastly really like how the drums work here, they hold down a very nice and steady rhythm as the listener enjoys the tune.

The tune seems to kind of make you feel sad yet happy. Sad that a friend died in a battle against your dark clone to save you but happy that you finally figured out how to stop your dark clone by not fighting but loving them instead for some reason.

The tune just brings out some good emotions, nice.

Overall, great and peaceful piece.

Review Request Club

DJ-Chilvan responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I was actually going for a sad yet happy feel. Great discernment! The reason I made this song was for a contest to get it on a soundtrack for this audiobook about a rapper's sinful life being turned around because he found and accepted Christ in his life (hence the filename "anotherChanceFromGod") so that explains the whole sad/happy combination.

Sounds funky

Well at the bass line here does anyways. Like how the synth has a dramatic feel to it with the drums. Then the dubstepping begins and I hear the sound of some high shrill Pokemon cry I think. The drums begin to pick up a new funky feel with the bass. The synth begins to break in a cool way.

The beat sounds pretty cool yet also very random at the same time. I think this could make for a good music video though so not bad work here.

Overall, good dub step piece.

Review Request Club

Herdunculus responds:

He he, I like how descriptive that was. This is good news though, since this was my first dubstep track, I can now go ahead and improve! Thanks a lot!

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