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The acoustic guitar here is very nice and when the finger slides it kind of makes me think of rain hitting on a window on one of those rainy days where it all seems sad but the beat seems to cheer you up though and seems very happy too. Nice to see it is in the top 5 for the week in the audio portal as well making it all the better.

The tune makes you think of a nice guy just trying to help others even if things turn out differently. The piano is a very nice addition and gives a solid happy feel to the song, kind of see the guy giving his best friends hugs even though they don't care about him as much any more either as time goes by.

Kind of heard a bit of an electronic sound in there as well like some kind of bass. Nice.

Overall, very happy song, kind of see lyrics with this though. Nice piece.

Decibel responds:

Yeah, Glad you like it :)

There are some electronic elements in it but no bass unfortunately, forgot to add that.

The guy below you said he's gonna add some lyrics |

Well composed

Well this would make do for a fancy and classy boss battle song I think since it is a kirby song after all. The tune is just very nice on the ears and I like how fast it seems to play as well which makes it all the better. Cut off a couple of seconds towards the end and you would most likely have a perfect loop as well, nicely composed.

Overall, piano composition of a great song.


The start seems real calming here. Like how it gives a feeling of piece as well and happiness. Kind of makes me think of My Little Pony actually and Fluttershy just having a peaceful afternoon stroll walking through the nearby Everfree Forest to see if any of the bunnies or chickens may have wandered over there. Very peaceful.

The piano is a very calming piece and makes you feel at ease as well while you go through the day just feeling really great about the world as well. The harp sounds real nice here and I like how it gives an atmosphere of happiness as well. The part where everything went down a bit kind of makes me think of Fluttershy lowering her head feeling a bit sad for a moment as well.

The violins are very charming and make you feel good as well which is very nice to hear I think.

Overall, very calming and relaxing piece. I like it a lot.

Review Request Club


Well this one sounds quite neat anyways. The start sounds like a calm radio recording of some beat I think which is quite neat indeed. The tune gives a feeling of great joy and happiness as well. Kind of reminds me of Star Fire and Terra from Teen Titans, good times.

The synth was very relaxing and happy sounding as well. The drums remain cooled down and really peaceful on the ears. The bass is good too. Really like the dub sounds though as at times it sounds kind of like a voice to me. Then when the full dub kicks in it sounds a lot like a boss song to me actually which is pretty cool I think.

Overall, awesome piece of work I think, really like it a lot.

Review Request Club

KroweMusic responds:

Teen Titans was a fucking. awsome. show. :D

Glad you like it man....thanks for the review :)


Really enjoy the relaxing tone of this song. Gives a feeling of warmth and that everything will be alright as you hug your best friend who is crying because they will be leaving you soon for a university. A montage shows what becomes of the two of you over several months taking completely different paths in life but meeting up several years later and putting the band together at last as you both had promised each other.

The piano is very calming and makes you feel rather happy as you listen to it make you feel good. The synth is nicely done here as well. The windy background effect is really nice here. The drums are cool and kind of give a feeling moving forward in time with hope.

Overall, very calm and happy piece.

Review Request Club

Kieda responds:

Tells you a story, (:

Thanks for the review!

As a side note, RRC seems to have a lot of active reviewers atm, great :D


Well it truly does have a nice party feel to it I think and makes you kind of want to groove yourself as well actually which makes it all the better I think. The song gets you into a groove and makes me see people dancing with strobe lights going on in the background to give a cool freeze frame like effect to the dance floor.

The synth sounds pretty cool and reminds me of the song She's a Pony as well for some reason. The wood hitting with the drum beat was clever indeed and gives a feel that that would be the perfect time to break it down on the dance floor. The bass is nice and feels like a deep hit then relaxing and repeating a lot.

Overall, great party song.

Review Request Club


Sounds pretty nice on the ears anyways and I like it a lot too. The starting bell feel makes you think of kittens and someone just holding them and enjoying the company of them too. Very calming ambient feeling piece as well, not bad at all. Makes you feel really happy as well so I like it quite a bit too.

The synth and bell make a nice combination and give a feel of being able to just smile at everyone who walks past you while you pet your cat. The drums give a feel as if you were watching the cat run inside its dreams and having a great time as well. The bass give a solid groove of happiness.

Overall, very solid and nice.

Review Request Club

Good talent

You have a very good voice talent and see you use good amount of accents as well too. Really nice voices though and I like them. Would be cool if you put down a list of where all the voices came from as well so people can watch and appreciate them as well.

Overall, nice.

Review Request Club

Rabidssquirrel responds:

Thankyou very much! I didn't think people would care too much from the source of the voices. Half of them I wrote, the other half came from auditions or other various projects! I may include a list because you mentioned it though :)

Thanks a bunch!


Well I get a feel of it showing someone waking up in a field of roses only for them to actually wake up and see everything around them in ruin as they pick themselves up and begin to walk forth. They wonder why the fighting tournament wound up like this as they pull out their sword. They look around and begin dashing forward and a quiet manner scouting the area. He notices a female who had entered slowly dying and has a small conversation with her trying to piece together what is going on.

He puts her on his back and moves forth so he can get her a resting area while he finishes up the tournament in her place. He wants things to return to normal but it appears that finishing the tournament is the only way for that to happen. He rushes forth as a light comes down and a ladder finds him. He rushes back to grab her then climbs the ladder as they figure out that they are being escorted to the area for the final round.

The ambient bell feel and synth give an atmosphere feel of just an empty void place that once looked great being torn apart from within by those who are blinded by greed in the tournament. The drums are calming and give a feel that you can keep on going and never have to give up either.

Overall, calming.

Review Request Club

Pretty cool

Feels like a retro video game boss song beginning to start up as you head to the final battle. I am guessing that buzzing going back and forth from the start was meant to represent an airship right? Very nice touch there, gives the feel of you flying into the last battle really. The tune has a battle feel which is good.

The airship sound is very nice to hear. The dub sounds and the drums give a feeling of subtle piece and allow you to know things are about to get real chaotic as well. The whistling and orchestra were really nice to listen to as they give the dynamic feel of battle to the song.

Overall, very dynamic pre-final boss song.

Review Request Club

Rampant responds:

Retro video game boss music? That would be a pretty good application of this music, even though it's not how I intended it to sound... I hope a Flash author will be able to find a use for it as pre-battle music, then :)

I'm glad you like the 'airship bass,' at first I wasn't really sure about it when I wrote the line, but I left it in because it grew on me as I kept working on the track. Automation panning by note, by hand, is really tiresome! haha

Thanks for the review,

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

Age 31, Female

Joined on 7/19/05

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