That gravity switching though. Not bad for a short Madness piece honestly, would not mind seeing something more like this in the future.
That gravity switching though. Not bad for a short Madness piece honestly, would not mind seeing something more like this in the future.
Damn has your animation skills improved a lot over 9 years, amazing stuff!
The ending changes everything, haha
Hilarious, I like how the ghosts do not seem interested in killing or haunting, they just want to wander around and ghosty stuff and still be normal. Seems things got out of hand fast though, very funny, I enjoyed it. :D
The music is nice and so is the animation, so smooth and flows together. Sad it will never be finished but nice to see you had fun making it and learning stuff from it. Hope future animations will be even better or even cuter. :)
-falls asleep, smacks head on desk- Just go to bed Isabelle!
This is cute, I would just give her a pillow to rest her head if she wanted to work all night. :o
Very cute loop and audio piece, I like it. <3
Thanks a lot NekoMika! :)
Interest premise to be a series on.. the Witch Trials and the games only get sadder and sadder in time. This first episode is a nice way to get people drawn in and confused at the same time. Why is Gideon going to Party Country, why do Elon and Naraah miss having bodies, and why is it only Gideon sees them?
The animation is nice and seems to compared by a lot of people to Charlie the Unicorn, albeit the animation itself seems to have a much darker sense of humor. The voicework is really well done, hope to see the rest of the episodes on Newgrounds someday. :) Have seen them all so far on Youtube along with the games, I imagine this series is going to get more interesting as it goes. :o
Not seen a collab this amazing in such a long time, so many amazing pieces for this! Loved the references too, so damn good!
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05