great tune
Sounds just like the original too!
great tune
Sounds just like the original too!
great one threr
I just liked the final fight.Really great it was!
The very final fight with the rainbow Bowser, looks like someone just poured gasoline or transmission fluid all over him, or maybe he just turned gay (But how could that be? Bowser hates Mario lol)
Brings back memories of the fian l2 fights with little asshole.
The second and final fight tune was the greatest and maybe one of the collest bowsers fight!
great song it is
I swear fighting blecks final form was just real annoying.Nice remake though.
this tune just sounds really good all of a sudden!
nicely dirty
Really great tune and sounds used a lot!
nicely done
Sounds a little creepy but well done.
Sounds trancy!
It sounds creepy? wow didnt know that lol
nice tune
not many digimon tunes but i enjoyed this one.
sounds great
Not to hard to do on guitar either!
enjoyed it
Zeromus Eg was far more harder than Zeromus.
It had close to 1.5 million hit points and took me 3 hours to finish the battle!
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05