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Sadistic feeling

It gave me a feeling like I'm trapped in a room and chained up, unable to escape what is coming for no reason, like a rat in the belly of a snake as well.

It just has a dark sinister feeling to it like something will go wrong at any minute for some reason.

This feels a bit like industrial along with ambient due to the feel of how the music is. You hear many nice sounds that come to this song, I like it a lot.

Review Request Club


aliaspharow responds:

Thanks alot! that was exactly what i was going at! Review much appreciated.

Very swell

This has a very nice space feel to it and I enjoy it greatly, you just have a feel that you're floating there with no emotions, no where else to go, nothing to ever worry about, living by yourself in the edge of a galaxy.

The kicking sounded greatly done. the piano, also enjoyed the bass feel to it.

About halfway through it kind of just mellows out and the sounds from start come in and out of it constantly then it just takes over again with a new feel. Really sounds pretty good to me, keep up the nice work.

Review Request Club


aliaspharow responds:

Thanks! this song didn't exactly feel like it was supposed to feel at first. but adding the reverb really changes alot. it;s still missing an introduction and im working on some songs with vocals. im really just getting started. xD

Sounds peaceful

I would have put this in the classical area if it only had piano but other sounds start to pop in such as the soft drum beat that comes and a light sounding bass to it then I'd leave it where it is, it sounds very nice.

Sounds like something you'd see at the opening or closing of a movie or flash that was sad or filled with some kind of mystery of people trying to find themselves. This is a great piece of music, I liked it.

Review Request Club


GronmonSE responds:

Thanks for your review!

Sad feel

This song has a sad melancholy tone to it like something bad or horrible just happened but everyone but one lived through. They mourn the persona's death or failure.

It quickly changes up to the feeling of everyone being happy and trying to move on with it with heavy hearts in mind to be more cautious in the future.

The spacey/abandoned earth feel to it makes it feel really nice.

Great piece of work, look forward to future pieces created.

Review Request Club


Sawdust responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you're looking forward to my stuff. That's a start :D

Very nice work

You can easily tell loops were used but were synchronized to sound as one very nice piece of music. Somewhat brings back nostalgia for some reason. =C

It has a feel of being in space and just as you reach the outer limits of the ship it blows up and you find yourself in need of trying to find a quick of getting inside to stop something from being activated.

Also kind of makes me think of Flying Battery from Sonic & Knuckles, good times indeed.

Let the good times roll. =]

Review Request Club


Sawdust responds:

Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it.

Heavy tapping sounds

the spacey feel to it is pretty damn good if I say. I can feel a heavy amount of tapping on metal in it too. There is kicking and other electro beats to this as well. I can't really find much in way of words to describe this, maybe next one could have some more to it you know?

Also the piano sounds later into the song sound pretty tasty. Very nice job with this piece.

Review Request Center


Will responds:

Thanks, although I don't remember adding any piano sounds. (Actually, I'm pretty sure this is my only full song that doesn't include piano!)

Very nice song

The background sound just kept it feeling upbeat overall and I really enjoyed that a lot. The vocals were kicking as well. I liked the message as well to it.

The bass beat sounded pretty cool, espsically how it kept double kicking. The space feeling you keep hearing and feeling was very nice, made you feel like you really were so far away from people as well and I liked it. The way the vocals kept coming in out and out with the rhythm was very nice.

Truly enjoyed this song.

Review Request Club


statueofdiveo responds:

Hooray! Thanks so much for the reviews.

Very good song

Really enjoy the flow of this beat, also I disagree with this low score it currently has, it defiantly deserves a lot better. The bass beat sounds pretty damn cool to me, the rest is pretty much just history if you really like this song, very nice beat and all, glad to hear this song. Looking forward to hearing more beats from you in the future as well.

ALso I can't really see a story with this song, just some people hanging out together trying to escape somewhere alive.


Box-Killa responds:

Cool beans :D

(I'll right more later lol)

Very sinister

I like the sound of this song, reminds me of Shadow from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, sounds kind of like his Sky Rail+Radical Highway put together and the first boss all at the same time. The guitar sound is pretty wicked. Who played the instruments anyways because I like how they all sounded.

No true need for improvement, might want to change the flow of the bass guitar though and give it a more evened out flow. A guitar solo from you would have been nice to hear as well, the drums were nailed to perfection though with no changes needed for it.

Very good song.

Review Request Club


SilentCobra responds:

Well, I didn't do any instruments myself for this. I just remixed the base version from Adobe Soundbooth Resource Central. I merely played around with the guitar, intensity, and volume at various intervals in the song. I wish I was that good on my own guitar. Thanks for the 10.

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