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Excellent as always

Expected nothing less than this from a person like you who tends to make a lot of high up and cheery beats too. This one just kind of gets you fired up a bit along with happy to play whatever game it is that is being played.

The violins and drums sound simple yet amazing. Love the synth playing as well that I hear in this tune.

Overall, awesome.

Sounds peaceful

And by Church of Hope do you mean the one that accepts gays, lesbians, and trannies for just being themselves? If so then that is a cool reference I suppose. Also this tune kind of makes me think of that one tune that played during Final Fantasy VIII except without the quick harp playing in it.

The violins sound very calming and serene with this piece playing which is good in a lot of ways I think. Like when you began adding in a soft harp and drum tracks to this. It makes it even more calming to hear. I think this turned out well. The flute I hear later is also calming as well.

Overall, calming and relaxing to the ears and senses.

Ironclover responds:

Actually the Church Of Hope stands for many things, The War against Cancer, The Equality War. The War Against Depression, Self Harm, Bullying. I'm glad you like it. It took me a while to work on it, and then add drums and ambience. Thank you for the review it means alot to me for this piece

Nice cover

I like how it started out and then it quickly turned into the original still being retained a bit but the main beat getting a heavy dubstep overlap added to it. Some parts of it sound kind of like someone was laughing in a funny way I guess.

The synth was nice here alongside the drums. The heavy dubstep playing is cool in a chaotic way I suppose. Reminds me of how much of a pain they were unless you had really leveled up your Pokemon right before challenging them.

Overall, good piece.

highdrake responds:

Thanks for the honest review. I really appreciate the time you've taken to give a review.

Final Level

Ironically I can see this being used as the final level music for some entirely weird game where the storyline never truly makes sense to the player or characters at all.

The dubsteps are strange but funny I think. The piano is subtly relaxing here. The drums and secondary synth play off some crazy beats here anyways. The third synth line is kind of crazy as well.

Overall, random indeed.

Lithorph responds:

Haha thanks dude for your awesome review


All I can say is that was a the best use of a Sheperd note I have seen in a while. The trumpets are good. I like the main bouncing beat I hear constantly played in this piece. Kind of reminds me of annoyed I would get at the ghost houses since I almost always died in them far too fast.

Overall, excellent remix. <3

midiman369 responds:

Thanks! Glad you like it! :)

I was going for something of a "Super Mario World in HD" sort of feeling, with it being more orchestral and less synthy. I also have a mix of the 'Castle' music coming in the same vein.

EDIT: also I forgot to mention, the Shepard tones are actually a layer of Fiddles from the SRX-09 "World Collection" expansion board. Though I'm not sure what I have here technically counts as a Shepard tone by definition.

Sounds great

Well it is a remix of a tune I enjoy with deeper stereo sounds and everything else imaginable. This sounds like it would make an awesome side scrolling song as well, great work on this piece.


Like how the piano at the start keeps playing the same note over and over and then eventually a second note gets added in and begins to help play it up a bit and make it sound better too. The tune is simple and I guess the leitmotif here is good as well.

Enjoy when I begin to hear a bass line being added in since it adds into the song. Like when the piano begins to feel a bit chaotic and give off a strange beat while slightly sticking to the original beat a little beat. Sounds like something I would hear starting to lead up and into a boss fight actually. Also enjoyed the part where it sounded a tad like a jukebox piece.

Overall, good work.

Review Request Club


I hear some deep kicks here that kind of knock you back a bit I guess. The drum track is good and chaotic anyways which makes it cool before it switches to a dubstep pace. The synths and bass line are superb and chaotic as well. The tune just kind of makes you feel like you are escaping a city or something anyways.

Would love to see this used as a boss song actually.

Overall, chaos!! <3

Review Request Club

Omega-Ravager responds:

Thanks a lot!

Glad you like it, I was experimenting with the drums a bit on this one, glad it worked out.

Now that I listen, I think it would be a pretty awesome boss song!

Thanks again!


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