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Sounds thorough

Has a really solid beat going right into when dubstep starts too. Kind of enjoyed dubstep too until I got annoyed of it due to the radio channels you know. I still enjoy some every now and then though, make you feel a bit better about the day. This piece was rather cool and surprisingly uplifting as you were escaping a cave.

The bass line reminds me of a ParagonX9 song from the old times you know? The synth line was rather charming and witty here I think. The dub sounds were pretty cool as well. The drums were simple as usual and awesome.

Overall, congrats on winning the contest with this piece.

Review Request Club

BAZmotherfucker responds:

>was just compared to paragonx9
>life as a NGs audio artist, is complete

Fast paced brilliance

I like how fast this beat works and it feels a lot like a loop for the most part which is pretty cool. I think this would make amazing music for the boss portion area of a game too. Right when you are down to the last bit of health on the last life the boss enters the fray with a menacing laugh promising to destroy every last bit of you.

The bass line sounds very fast and going up and down which I really liked about this tune actually, neat work there. The synths create a great portion of the boss feel as well. Lastly drums were cool.

Overall, neat.

Review Request Club

BAZmotherfucker responds:

Glad you like it :] that's more or less what I was going for


I can really see a pyramid theme going on with this one. Kind of makes me think of a mix of Earthbound and Paper Mario both which involved fighting an area boss inside of a pyramid too. It's a just a real simple piece that gives off a great feeling as if you were in the pyramids looking for the boss and treasure at the same time.

The bass lines work together to create two different kinds of beats that sound very close and very maddening at the same time. The simple drum line also adds to the effect as well which is really good as well.

Overall, simple yet keeps to a pyramid theme for games. Nice!!

Review Request Club

Serene like

Kind of makes me think of an ambient FPS space game really. You are getting comfortable with space and nothing seems to be wrong for once. Just a peaceful FPS showing you that not all games require violence and killing to be fun at all times too. The tune is just really peaceful.

Enjoy how it is a simple chorus echo line. Then there is the secondary soft synth that plays as well and makes you feel safe too. The tune together sounds really nice and ambient as well. Awesome.

Overall, cheery piece for once in an FPS.

Review Request Club

cheesemonkeybill responds:

i reaaaally want somebody to use this in a game. maybe for a pause screen or a menu or something. peaceful and comfortable with space is exactly what i was going for in this tune :]

Great metal

I found the metal on this piece to be wicked actually. The guitar sounded good when it started and the whole area of it sticking while a second one joins in was quite pleasing to the senses.

Really enjoy how the drums worked here in a double bass fashion as well. The bass line kind of made me think of Pantera too to be honest. No vocals but I think it turned out as well. You did a masterful job on this monster.

Overall, beastly

Review Request Club

Jeffaro responds:



Has a definite tweeking feel to it as if one was being taken on a ride with a raptor or some weird creature showing you strange other oddities of the world.

The drums sound very glitchy and awesome. The bass line is a smooth adrenaline rush and the synth provides a cool ambient feeling to the tune. Nice piece.

Overall, awesome glitching sounds.

Review Request Club

I-Saved-The-World responds:

Thanks :) i had lots of fun with it! i tried to make the glitchy sounds work on beat as best i could :O


Have no real idea why but it has a real christmas like feel to it actually .The vocals here were pretty awesome and felt real aquatic and cheery which is something to make you happy. The synth and bass line were very smooth and quite blissful here. The drums make you feel positive as well which is even more so better.

I think you did a great job here.

Overall, chilly <3

Review Request Club

DJ-Chilvan responds:

Haha Xmas huh?
I'm glad I was able to give off a positive vibe, it makes me feel better about my music haha. Thanks for the review!


Really makes me think of that show of Haruhi Suzumiya and how everything was always weird. Beautiful synth line here too as well. The drums and bass line were sweet as can be. The tune flow made me smile a lot too and that is something worth hearing I think too.

Overall, awesome!!

Review Request Club

BAZmotherfucker responds:

Everything is always weird :]

Pretty spaced out

Like how the intro is a sample piece followed by fast drum beats and a synth. The synth sounds very light and pleasing here while the drums make you feel as if you had to go fast at the same time too. The bass line and secondary synths have a good feel to them as if one could have a great day all the time as well.

The beat itself makes you feel really happy which is great. Kind of has a forest/urban feel to it that would make it good in a sidescrolling rpg type game to me.

Overall, good piece.

Review Request Club

RetromanOMG responds:

Thanks for the review. And yeah, the opening is an Acid sample I layered some flangers over.

Still, glad you liked it.

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