This just seems to be a nice piece that relaxes you a good amount. Does make you think of a beach at night when no one else would be around to ruin your peaceful night just sitting there and relaxing. Really nice and chill piece of work.
This just seems to be a nice piece that relaxes you a good amount. Does make you think of a beach at night when no one else would be around to ruin your peaceful night just sitting there and relaxing. Really nice and chill piece of work.
Thank you! (: i was thinking about adding more, but i was just thinking that would just ruin it.
Pretty cool
At first I thought this would be a remix of a MetalJonas song but it is something else and is sounds completely amazing. the quality here is rather well done as well. Can see it being the intro or battle song being used in a movie leading right up to a climatic battle between two people as well so that works.
The guitar sounds pretty wicked here and it goes up and down for some reason, not a problem though, kind of adds a back and forth effect to the song as well. The synth is also cool and leads me to having this tune make me think of the Tabuu battle from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
The bass is smooth and lays down a line that makes you feel great as you just relax to this chill battle piece. The drums are also cool and I like them as well. If you clip off a second at the end then this turns into a perfect loop too.
Overall, excellent rock song.
Wow ThanX!
It means alot to mean that someone enjoys my music! I put alot of work into this so seeing someone appreciate it helps ALOT. Your Review was great and make sure to check back soon because I am currently working on my next track.
DJ Tech Elric
Pretty cool
The bass line seems to capture the heart anyways here. The guitar sounds really weird since it mostly holds a reverse sound effect which is cool. The drums are real casual and smooth here.
Tune kind of makes me think of some dude walking down a street wondering what he was meant to do with his life as well, good work though.
Overall, nice little loop.
My gosh Fluttershy just got incredibly violent sounding. This is got to be the most hilarious one you have done so far, awesome though. Should do singing telagram next too, this is just too funny.
Okay, just for you, I shall record Pinkie's Singing Telegram!!
Pinkie Guy, you are a most amusing singer I think. This is good and your "HA HA HA" made me laugh hard as well. Good cover but instead of yelling why not try to sound calmer whiling singing. Still funny.
I recorded this in one go. Lack of air, didn't let me finish well......
Wonderful cover
Wonderful cover, the background music just makes you think of 80's music as well. You my good sir are good at memorizing lyrics and making them hilarious. I can still see Derpy Hoove's made up brother singing this too.
Derpy Hooves has a brother?! THAT'S BRILLIANT!!!
My Little Pony the yelling album looks like a hit so far, this is just freaking hilarious!!
w00t w00t!!
Derpy Hoove's brothers sound hilarious actually. Got a great laugh out of this, what inspired you to do this anyways?
An Insurance Commercial.
Would be better without auto tune being used. I still found this completely hilarious though that she is rapping about your pet cat. Your cat must get to see a whole lot. Does your cat ever tell you what they see?
The synth and drums are cool sounding here I think. The bass is also really cool and the chorus reminds me of I Set My Friends on Fire for some reason. Your friend rapping is hilarious and some of the lines are chill.
Overall, hilarious cat rap.
funny there's no auto tune ;) but thanks! ;) i wonder why it sounds like there... i dont hear it...
Another great ocarina piece. Forgot about this awhile back but isn't the ocarina the same as one other instrument but in a sweet potato shape instead of the other one? Really nice recreation as usual.
Thanks SCTE3, always so generous with your reviews. I'm not too sure of the answer to that, but from my knowledge (lies, google) you could be talking about an egg-like Chinese instrument called the Xun! Or a German instrument made from a goat's horn. Oh man, that would totally get the chicks.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05