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Well I do like this piece. I can hear a bit of a synth in the back acting slightly as a bass here. The guitar is very loud and clear and the vocals combined with the lyrics sound very well done so I found this enjoyable very much. How long did this take to come up with? Nicely done work on this one, enjoyable.

Well done

I do remember this tune fairly well but I cannot remember exactly which Final Fantasy it originated from. Very dramatic piano and drum cover though, very loud, layered and quite well done I see. I even hear a synth here, how graceful. Very nice cover of an awesome Final Fantasy piece, I liked it.

GriMMME responds:

It's from Final Fantasy 6 (3 in America on the SNES) with Kefka as the antagonist.
Ya know that really does mean a lot to me. Thanks to you I am more confident in myself with making more music/remixes. Your are now my inspiration to keep moving forward, and now my goal is to impress you just a little more, hopefully. If not, I tried :P. Yet once again, Thank you with your kind words of awesome. ^_^

Calm battle

This sounds a lot like something you would hear before entering a boss battle in some game where you have to give a speech and junk before doing the final battle with whatever is causing the region or world problems that need to be solved. Very good yet quirky sounding piece of music I think. Just has a weird tone to it with a bit of hip hop feel mixed into the classical orchestra area.

The drums I notice seem to be a bit of hip hop which kind adds a bit of bounce to this battle like theme as you get closer to the field unaware of what the final boss could be. The bass and bass drums combine to make the whole thing a bit louder which seems to be good here and I like that.

The violins were nice on the ears and then they get dynamic feeling and make you muster up courage going into the battle. The quirky synth provides a nicely done beat I think for helping you move into it too. The tune just seems to hold a great battle feel though.

Overall, very nicely done and dynamic piece.

Enzer0 responds:

Epic Review! Thanks for your input and visuals you had. Im glad to know it gave you vivid thoughts of a battle. It is pretty bouncy, I like bouncy :D

Cool remix

Heard this on the Brony Remix War Round III setlist. This tune is even calmer than the simpler joy remix, very calming piece of work though. The tune just seems to relax you and feels also as if it were a lullaby too.


Although it took awhile for it to build up to the point of where it started to sound good and around forty-five seconds in it kicks up and becomes very interesting to say the least I think. The tune kind of makes me feel like bobbing my head as a DJ does and just chilling out while this piece plays.

The synth has a cheery atmosphere to it and in fact seems to boost the rest of the tune by giving them something to run along with and I do like how it is going as well. The building up winds are nice and breezy I think. I also like how subtle and smooth the bass sounds, just pretty much very relaxing.

The drums are cool and remain calm for the most part and pick up a few extra notes along the way to make the beat a bit heavier. The crystal like sounds I hear are also fantastic I think.

Overall, very nicely done house piece, did like.

Directinput responds:



Well this most certainly turned out to be a most interesting piano piece anyways. At times it is calm while at other times it gets incredibly fast sounding as well which makes it pretty cool here.

I can kind of see it going to a video of some guy or girl being sad they cannot find their cat and they go on a little adventure around town trying to find the cat while the cat is also looking for them as well.

Overall, nice piano composition.

VooDooCompositions responds:

Thank you for your kind words :)


Yet so hilariously scary at the same time. When the dark music starts playing and they breath heavy I can see them changing to looking like Pinkie Pie did in episode 25, so creepy yet so funny. Nicely done here...friendship is creepy in this audio piece.

I agree

Friendship is a truly great thing to have I think. The beat here is kind of quirky but it sounds really great at the same time and I like it pretty much. How long did you spend on this anyways? Oh and this loops perfectly, how friendly!!

Scrototype responds:

Thanks for the review bro. I spent about an hour and a half on it. I had troubles with the lyrics they were pretty hard to come up with. :P

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