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Well this is certainly a nice remix of his song I think. With the buildup you kind of expect to hear someone speaking sometime which makes it feel kind of weird to the listener I think. Very nice song though, makes me think of someone doing really simple dance moves on the dance floor as well.

The synths sound very cheery as if trying to lift up your spirits after something really sad had just happened in your life and they are there to make you feel all better rather than sad as you were. The bass is very balanced and cheery as well and sounds quite pleasing on the ears I think. The drum beat is incredibly simple yet nice.

I also like the slow background building sound that seems to buildup forever and never stop until the song ends. It gives a very nice feel of the song I think. I also liked that crystal sound I heard as well. Gives a feel of happiness.

Overall, very happy feeling song, excellent work here.

Review Request Club

BuggMusic responds:

Thanks for the review! I love it when people say that my music could make people happy when they're sad, because for me that's one of the best feelings in the world.


Oh my this sounds marvelous. Not too bad for a first song either and I like it a lot too. The tune makes me think of Fluttershy if she had been modeling clothes before Luna was sent to the moon after being corrupted by jealousy and possibly Discord as well. Very nice beat.

The trumpets give a feel of her making a heavily dramatic entrance here and that she is loved by all the ponies as well including those that think she is a bit off for a model too. The bass piano note give a feel of her just wishing she could leave as well and just wants to head home to tend to what she loves...animals.

The very light secondary sounding piano gives a feel of her simply modeling and trying to act like she likes even though she is only doing it as Rarity asked.

Overall, very calming and peaceful song.

Review Request Club

shrimpchris responds:

Actually, I never thought of this song like that, but that totally works! Thanks for the review!


This sounds like a very charming piano piece and I like how soft it is too. Kind of makes me think of someone walking away from home and just going very far away from civilization as they can no longer stand how people are treating them anymore and they just want the pain to stop hurting so much mentally and physically. Very beautiful song.

The chorus sounds very nice here and greatly uplifting like they will always have hope for the future and never have to truly stop talking or being near people. The guitar gives a feel of how jagged their life has been and sounds great. The drums are calm and the fills sounds really nice too I think.

Overall, very nice ballad I think. Just needs vocals of some kind added.

Review Request Club

Stargenx responds:

Thanks for the review! I agree that it needs vocals, but I don't know anyone who can write lyrics or sing.

Tis powerful TONE

I think the start was possibly a bit of overkill as it made me think of a cell phone and then I liked the rest of the song. The rest of the song sounds like an incredibly well done boss battle theme where you fight a really dark yet fast paced boss out to destroy and everything else as well. Very crafty fun song though and I like it a lot too. Kind of makes me think of someone saying "Woo Woo Woo Woo" too for no reason.

The synth sounds very heavy and very quirky at times giving a feel of having to fight your way through the area to beat the boss quickly before they leave the city too. The drums were very cool and I liked them a lot since it was a lot of double bass. I liked the calm part where there were single synth notes playing too.

The drums were really fun to hear though. I hear a slight bass in here too I think and it also sounds quite wonderful. What was the voice saying anyways?

Overall, very cool and powerful feeling boss song.

Review Request Club

Psil0 responds:

Hahaha, the voice says my name/newgrounds handle (Psil0).

Also, glad you liked the inclusion of the double bass/metal influenced parts. I wanted this one to be heavier and darker than a lot of DnB you hear elsewhere, so I experimented with the drums a bit. I mean, who says you have to listen to the genre standards?


Kind of gives me a chilled feeling like it was winter for some reason. Gives a fairly calm tone though while it plays out. Makes me also slightly think of a rave too. I liked the vocals you added onto this one giving it a feel there was a DJ in the room giving people helpful adivce to dance to try staying warm or simply cuddling with others.

The synth sounds really nice here and I like how it sounds too. Give a very wintery yet happy feel too. The bass is very flexed and gives a feel of just bouncing around a bit trying to get started up on dancing too. The drums are simple and very enjoyable on this song and I liked them.

Overall, very calm and yet warmhearted piece.

Review Request Club

Quite interesting

Reminds me of Navi from Ocarina of Time except nowhere close to annoying at all. Catchy beat and lyrics.


This is quite a battle themed song and I would not mind seeing it used as such either. Would love to see it used as it gives a feel of entering a boss battle of some kind and standing your ground one last time to keep the land safe making this a great song to enjoy I think.

The drums give that dynamic adrenaline rush that you need to win. The piano is also very nice on the ears and I like it. I hear a very light flute giving a feeling of hope here. The bass line is great here and very nice. I like that little laugh you added, gives a feel that the boss is just pure evil too.

Overall, great boss battle loop.

Review Request Club


You can just see this one going with all kinds of short films and flashes and games I think. It has a slightly creepy factor put in it making you feel slightly chilly as you turn up a heater to enjoy this song in the cold dank room you are stuck in while this song is played into a loud speaker.

The low bass is very chilling and feels like it is simply coming after you and nothing else is going to even be enough to stop it from coming either. The synth bells are nice and give an eerie effect of being stuck alone for hours on end.

The reverse sound was kind of creepy. The drums are nice and give a feel of trying to find a way out of the room as you find small things that could work when put together as well. Very dark and chilled song.

Overall, very dark feeling piece. Very nice too.

Review Request Club

Drony responds:

wow, that was an awesome review!

Thanks SCTE3 :)


This sounds very rich and calming in context and makes you feel really calm as well while you hear the tune. Kind of sounds like it would be something playing after being in a very long and enduring battle against something wanting you dead too. Very calm piece of work.

The violins in the back sound very nice and give that calm feel as if something nice may happen soon and you hope that things never go bad again and if they do that they won't be as bad as what had happened.

The guitar is also very nice and I like the sound of it. What kind is it anyways?

The trumpets give a very dynamic feel as if something epic was happening here. The drums are grand and sound very rich in sound too. I like that. Then the tambourine was a nice touch to hear I think.

Overall, very epic and dynamic sounding piece.

Review Request Club

Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:

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