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Makes me feel really happy and energetic actually. The song has a really wound up feel to, would make for an amazing boss battle too in a game where you fight a fast boss that is a bit on the hard side to kill. Really upbeat track.

The synth sounds really cool and I like how it goes up and down at times to work with the drums and bass as well. The drums sound really fast, what was the note speed for them anyways? The bass here also sounds excellent and I am enjoying how they flow too.

Overall, great work, loved it.

Review Request Club

Creatively odd

Well the start gave a feel of feeling a bit sluggish and just giving up on life a bit for the night as the alcohol overtakes you and you can't stand up without help from some friends either. Very interesting though.

The synth has a very nice and calm feel and kind of feels a bit retro as well. Then the second synth sounds like it had a guitar distortion applied to it a bit for a guitar sound. The bass is nice and thick as it seems to be light to the feel and gives a feel like you had a really bad headache as you awake the next morning.

The drums remain calm but what drum sounds did you use anyways? They sound like they flowed well together. The vocals are cool though, Are they from a commercial or something showing the terrible effects of some drinks?

Overall, this was an interesting piece to listen to.

Review Request Club

BulimicLemur responds:

Sorry for the late reply! Same goes for any other reviewers. I love the review request club, you guys are awesome!

Yeah, I agree with you- it's definitely got that "headache-in-the-morning" feel. The drums I used for this song were these free "drumsamples.org" drums I found, but I did a lot of layering and stuff to try get the sounds right. I got 5 different snares and layered them together, each one being a different frequency, and I did the same for the kick. And I compressed both.

The vocals all come from me- recorded into my laptop's crappy mic. Hahaha, they probably could be in an anti-drinking ad though, yeah.

Thanks for the review man.

Great work

Really like the upbeat feeling that this one lays out to you as you hear it and enjoy it as well. The song gives you that joy of just knowing there is a next time that the person will possibly see you, you may not recognize each other but it will be alright as long as the memories of the good times never fade. Great work and very nice remix. Soothing on the ears.

Airprogressive responds:

Many thanks 4 your review

See you next time!



Almost feels like I could hear an actual cat meowing on this piece actually. Is that your cat's voice with some filters on it or just you or maybe even the synth? Very nice and soft drum n bass song however and I enjoy it.

The synth has a nice ambient quality to it that makes it feel peaceful as you enjoy watching the cats play together. The drums have a simple rhythm that would be fun to play as well. The high cheesy sounding synth notes are pleasing on the ear and at later parts I can just imagine the cats in slow motion as they begin to fall asleep and purr.

Overall, nice song.


Well the harp makes my ears feel like they are vibrating a bit. Nice effect there. The violin also seems to carry a soft feel with it and giving a feeling of the calm coming forth. The light vocal track is nice in that it makes you feel like people have been helping you move along and getting you up there with friends and helping you complete the journeys of hope in the video game.

Really just love how this track has a calm feel about it and that makes you feel just happy as you look up at the sky wondering what tomorrow shall be bringing for you too. Very peaceful song.

Overall, peaceful and puts a smile on your face.

wyldfyre1 responds:

pretty much what we were going for =) thanks for the review.


Do some fist pumping, feet stomping, glow stick raving, DJ and partying all night with this one. Great sounding piece and it has a very happy feel with it as well. Like the style of this one. The synth has a playful feel with it going on and just bouncing around to other parts to make other instruments sound even better.

The bass is really groovy and I like the heavy bouncing feel it brings. I also hear a slight xylophone at the end? The drums here were fun to listen to I think.

Overall, great dancing song.

Catstuffer responds:

Thanks! I'ts kinda pieced together, and I'm not very proud of the unblancedness of the sound, but hey, this WAS my first song experimenting with Nexus at the time, so I guess its not toooo bad :P

Thanks for reviewing :)


Well this is another good and cheesy uplifting song. Like how it has a feel of bringing great joy. Would go well with a montage of kittens playing together too or perhaps in a game where you play as a kitten perhaps. The tune is great and I hear a very light meow near the end I think, not sure though. Great work as usual.

Dark Trainer Red would like to battle

This sounds like something that would play during a far more faster and more furious battle with Red and him wearing even darker clothing to show what happens when you live alone in a cave for a long time after becoming the Elite Four champion. Excellent remake of the song.

The chorus gives a feel of having to be steady yet quick. The guitar was awesome and gave a feel of giving it all you got. The bass feels very close to the original bass line and has a bounce to it as well. The orchestra has so much pizazz and fun in it too. Excellent remake.

Overall, very cool cover. Gives a feel of an epic battle taking place.

Very interesting

Well this song sounds really interesting to me. The background beat is just as interesting as your vocals and lyrics. Very well put together though. Great job on this piece.

RetributionVox responds:

.___. My vocals? Oh, no no. Those are Childish Gambino's vocals and lyrics. I used an acapella of his.

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