This song sounds very well done, like the flow it seems to have while it keeps going. Really smooth song. A mix of 8-bit and hip hop it seems. Really calming song, could go well in a large variety of situations I think. Great work here.
This song sounds very well done, like the flow it seems to have while it keeps going. Really smooth song. A mix of 8-bit and hip hop it seems. Really calming song, could go well in a large variety of situations I think. Great work here.
Great track
Makes me think of Epic Rap Battle as well too. Methree has some great vocals here. PIED3 also has great vocals, had no idea he had a slightly British accent, he has some mean rhymes too. My votes goes to......... PIED3, he has some sweet rhyming there, credit where it is due though, love the effect Methree is using but if that is his actual voice and there is no filter on it then that is even more incredible. Great back beat too.
Awesome metal song. Your sister has some great vocals. If she practiced some growls I think she could be perfect for even more metal songs. Great job here on this piece. Sounds solid and incredible!
Thanks for the compliments.
Flutter save
Song kind of gives a feel like someone just killed you and you somehow fall through a hole that no one knew was there into a new dimension and change form. You have become different in form and now look like a pony. As you are about to pass out you see Fluttershy standing above you who takes you to Nurse Redheart wondering who this new pony is and if you will be alright as well. Great remix.
The synth gives that cheery feel and sounds just right too. Gives the feel of hope even as you lie in the bed at the hospital while Redheart tends to your wounds getting you back to full health and greatful that Fluttershy saved you, you think of how you could help repay the ponies and notice you are also a blank flank for the time being as well.
The drums give that pumped up feeling of knowing everything will be alright. They sound real energetic here and very happy too. The bass is a great rhythm and I love the tempo here. The Fluttershy vocals were great.
Overall, woohoo. /)^3^(\
HOLY FUCK! That is a good fanfiction idea!!!
Chaos go go
Well I like how this has a bit of an oriental feel to it. Sounds like something you would hear while exploring some kind of light jungle and city like atmosphere in a game. Very smooth piece of work love, love that happy jolly feel it has. Great song.
The piano sounds nice and blends in well with other sounds here. The drums have a tribal feel to them giving a feel that you are far from civilization. The piano and xylophone solos working together made a nice longer solo towards the end. The guitar gives a bit of a feel that you might be out of the jungle soon.
Overall, great song, kind of makes me think of Final Fantasy X.
You sure think a lot, and that I like ;)
Thanks for the review and score
Classy distress
Sounds really good and I like how it has a bit of classical feel to it as if showing there is a lot of reason to worry as you keep on going to try defeating Eggman in his fortress in the sky. Very nice little loop. Has some nice sounds to it.
The synth is really smooth and gives that feel of being a bit hurried to find him and ruin his plans of destroying Mobius once more. The drums are very nice and quite quick which is great. I like how you used the piano to have a bass line for the song, adds for a nice classy touch to the song. The later synth that plays the high notes makes me think of Earthbound a bit too.
Overall, really nice little loop, sounds great.
Thanks for the review ^^
I'm actually quite happy with this one, cause I think it sounds good for being so old
Kind of sounds like something that would play on adult swim bumps actually. Just something soft, soothing, and really nice on the ears to listen to. Very nice little loop.
The drums have a soft rhythm to them. Then the synth has a echo effect to it that makes it really enjoyable. You do hear the loop clip every now and then but aside from that it sounds really nice.
Overall, nice little loop. Very soft.
Heya dude! It's been a while.
I was expecting zombies from your review, but I guess that's not the case here, isn't it? xDD
Yeah, it's a pretty lounge-y lil loop. And... clipping? That's weird, I can't hear it... hm...
Song kind of just makes me think of kittens having fun and goofing off with each other as well. Very nice little diddly though. Has a soft playful feel to it like the boss was not meant to be taken too seriously either. Really nice piece of work though and rather enjoyable too.
The piano has a classy feel that makes you feel rather happy and joyful while watching the kittens. The drums are nice as well and have a soft beat going. The bass line was rather chilled out and fun to hear. The violin was also nice as it came in every now and then, really cheery. Excellent loop.
That xylophone was really nice and made you feel the kittens found something new and fun to play with while playing with each other.
Overall, great loop and remix of a battle song.
hah, what's with the kittens xd
It's nice to read your reviews, and you can see that you like making them
"Has a soft playful feel to it like the boss was not meant to be taken too seriously either." <-- Well, it's Gangplank Galleon from DKC1 that contains the boss ;)
Giygas appeared!
The start made me think of Giygas with just that low echo hum sound I was hearing there. Then I started to hear some other heavy sounds and kept thinking of Giygas anyways. Very dark feeling song though. The vocals were cool and then it switched to what feels like a really fast and pumped up feeling boss battle style song in my opinion.
The dark hum near the start gives a feel of Giygas being before you at the Infinite Devil Machine and you have to hurry before it consumes all time periods and makes everything totally chaotic forever. The louder strange sound sounded a bit like someone moving plastic wrap around a lot and adding some effects to it to make it creepy.
I like how there is a bit of glitchstepping added to this song for that perfect feel of things starting to go wrong in the battle as you await its next move while you have Paula keep praying and hoping for it to be defeated.
The drums here were really smooth and I like how it feels a lot like triplet notes there coming on and off very quickly. The synth seems to have a heavy amount of distortion added to give that feel of it fading and coming back incredibly fast. The bass here was great and very deep as well.
Overall, amazingly great song. Would love to hear it in some kind of dark boss battle too. Great work here.
Calm Sparkle
Well this has a still calm feel about it as the beat starts up and gives that feel of Twilight putting on some kind of show to show some talents to her friends and how they could be of possible help and use to them as well so they don't always have to fret and be worried all the time either. Great remastering.
The icy synth gives a feel of ambiance as she helps to keep Ponyville warm in the cold of winter. The secondary synth has that great touch of giving off some hope to the citizens as she keeps on pushing forth and making everything better through lecturing and organization.
Halfway through the synth kind of gives that feel like Twilight was speaking too strangely. The drums are rapid paced and feel really great as well. The bass was smooth and calming to the ears.
Overall, great remastering once more.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05