Never watched the movie but this is actually quite a cute remake of them in anime-esque form. They still look pretty cute together and the M in the background is Masterful right? Still a really nice piece of art though as I liked it a lot.
Never watched the movie but this is actually quite a cute remake of them in anime-esque form. They still look pretty cute together and the M in the background is Masterful right? Still a really nice piece of art though as I liked it a lot.
Pretty great
Wonder how good of a team they would make if they were told that they had to work together to thwart a threat? Background is so simple and cool while Wonder Woman and Catwoman stand together wondering what they may have to face together for the afternoon. Wonder if they get along?
Pot of gold
Well he's wearing green and carrying a pot of gold like any leprechaun except the plot twist is that is chocolate wrapped in gold foil, sneaky little guy isn't he?
Well I see a chair in the background that is very nicely doodled up here.
You actually look cute here as well even if your head is very big for some reason or another in the image. Your blond hair and facial expression seem to express calmness and serenity as always. You look like you were looking at someone coming over to you that makes you smile, nice.
Your posture is very cool here. The dress is quite cute and I love the shoes, the shoes are just nice.
Overall, still cute here.
Cute girls
The background here is quite cute and I also think that they look pretty adorable for original characters as well. Are they friends, sisters, or what? The facial expression and outfits are very nice, don't ever change SSB.
Well at least to a degree anyways. I like how she just seems to have a blank stare on her face and floppy looking body but then again don't most babies look like that with varying hair looks?
The outfit is pretty nice I think. The look on the face is priceless though.
Overall, you as a baby looked pretty cute.
Very big imporvement
While they are swapped I think the one you started with on the left also looks nice but I don't think it will ever compare with how you draw now, they just look a lot happier and cooler. besides the point you already have plenty of people who make drawings on the left all the time, you bring a unique style to the table. Wonder if it will ever catch on?
Origin adore
Well this explains a bit but not why she is still such a cute and nice looking princess though. She just seems happy to be herself albeit she talks through a parrot as well. The parrot must feel whatever she feels at the time too right?
The background is simple and makes you think of clouds in the sky and a clear prairie area.
Her face is blushing a lot yet glowing with happiness as well and I seem to adore that fact of her in this one too. The ribbon in her hair is cute and hair itself is done in a pretty fashion I think.
The parrot and basket are nicely drawn.
I really like her outfit, kind of makes me think of some princess characters mashed together as one pretty outfit. The corset waist piece and skirt make a very nice combination. Then her high heels and stockings go well to make her legs look cute too.
Overall, Echo is adorable yet she person. She deserves some love and a hug I think.
Good couple
I did enjoy that movie, it just had a nice sweet atmosphere to it and you felt happy for her once she left the castle as well.
I think Flynn looks a little dumb looking here but then again he was for a majority of the movie.
I like the happy expression on her Rapunzel's face here. She looks so happy and she seems to have a little less hair at this time as well. Her dress is very beautiful though and I like it.
Overall, nice tribute image, adorable.
We can all dream
Yes we can, we can all always have that dream of our perfect dream body, some manage to get while others don't. Oh well, we can always make minor changes as we go until we get very close to it. Hope your dreams of that perfect body come true one day, that would be pretty cool.
The little you on the side is standing there cutely dreaming to the bigger image of what she wishes she could look like. To be honest the dream you actually looks pretty cute as well. Very cutely cute I think.
The background is simply since it is mostly a thought bubble with the image inside of it.
Her face seems to be nice as she stares off to the side. her red hair and eye brows are pretty cool cooling. I would probably want mine as light blue though for some reason or another. The yellow thing on her head is cool looking as well.
Her body is very nicely drawn and has lots of good details to it. Very large breasts as well that the shirt can barely seem to contain them as well. No bra either I see. The shirt is very nice and simple so that is cool to me anyways.
Overall, dream on until dreams come true.
Musician / Voice Actor, I write music, c:
Age 32, Female
Joined on 7/19/05