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Well I see this is a very detailed piece of work anyways. Seems to be bit of a break from the rest of your work which has a silly fun textured feel to it whereas this one has more of a serious and far more detailed look to it. I am going to guess this was a commission piece? Looks very nicely drawn though.

The background is a nice and simple white that fades to pink which seems fitting as a vampire is going to bite the only person that loves him right? The background is nice though.

The girl herself looks like she is just trying to relax so the bite will not hurt as much when she turns and becomes a vampire though. Her school girl outfit seems to tell a bit about her and the fact that she is still in high school. Her face and hair make her look cute yet shy.

The guy on the other hand seems to be the same except far older than possibly most of the teachers there but still going because his siblings are possibly going there with him and he wants to make sure they do not harm anyone unless threatened badly. His hair and fangs look nice.

Overall, really nice piece of art, I like how this one turned out.

supersexybeast responds:

omg you guessed like half of what this is! haha this is actually based on a dream where chord overstreet had to bite me to feed his hunger so he didn't die, and before he was chord overstreet he was mr. fitz, who is a teacher, so you're super psychic bro :O

Strange indeed

Well those are two very strange looking pieces of fruit anyways. Wonder what got into them and started to make them live anyways since that is quite odd and unusual though. Still looks really well done and the background is nice too I think so you did well here.

The background seems simple and fitting enough seeing that it is a kitchen which one would normally find fruit in.

Both fruits seem to be well textured actually. You can kind of feel like they were real if it were not for the faces being on them anyways which make them fake but obviously still weird fruit. The apple looks like it may be scaring something while the pear is scared of something creating a contrasting image here.

The only noticeable thing keeping the image from blending perfectly is that you can see a bit of a green outline on the fruits, not very noticeable though.

Overall, nicely done yet weird look fruit drawing.

Review Request Club

PlusPlusKid responds:

im editing the image to have no green line as i type!

Looks good

Certainly looks like it was a great show though. The characters drawn here all look rather nice as well I think. They just look happy together too. I recognize the unicorn and cat (Unico the unicorn and the cat kind of reminds me of Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII) but who is the blue one anyways? Really nicely done piece.

The background is cool since it has trees, skies, and grass all drawn well.

The characters all look happy as they roam through the forest off on a new adventure I would guess. They all look greatly drawn as well, nothing short coming from a good artist like you though so that is nice. On another thought this would make a nice wallpaper or poster actually. Nice.

Overall, adorable character artwork.


Well all I can really say to this is that you did a good job drawing it. Best of luck to you on the contest as well if you are entering it into one. Piece is pretty cool though, I liked it quite a bit.

The background is rather simple and quite nice on the eyes so that works.

DJ-PON-3 looks pretty cool as she just plays around with the equipment trying to create a new beat for people to enjoy at shows. She looks happy though. The tongue sticking out and her shades make her look pretty cool. The equipment she plays with is more than likely producing a great beat.

Overall, cool piece, good luck in the contest.

Wivernryder responds:

Thanks! I'm hoping I won't get... you know.. LAST. Other than that, I'm just glad I finally got off my lazy butt and drew something. Pretty happy with it, to be honest.

Wonderfully cute

Well I found this to be quite a cute piece anyways as he looks really happy and I think that possibly he is just having a good day or he finally found something to make him feel happy. Also kind of makes me think he could be falling and hoping someone will catch before he gets hurt on accident from suddenly feeling weak which is kind of sad I think. Really nicely done art piece though, he looks really cute and happy.

The background looks nice and simple and red. With the red leaves coming past him hair it kind of makes you think it could also be a tree that he is possibly standing near at the least too.

The hair is nice and long. I like how you shaded parts of it to make it look glossy and shiny to whoever maybe there with him making him feel safe as well. Although to be honest he looks more like a girl actually. The bit of eye shadow he has on kind of makes you think it could possibly be a trap though. No cleavage though lets you know that it is actually just a dude though.

The text is quite nicely done here and looks fancy. His face has a nice and pleasing texture and look to it too I think. Kind of makes you want to smile.

Overall, wonderful commission piece.

Cute piece

Well I found it to be quite cute anyways. Although there is not much here it still appears to be a very nice piece of art. I am guessing had you worked longer on it then there would have been a background eventually and slowly added to it right? That would be pretty cool although I have no real idea what the background would really look like either.

The two characters here look rather happy though.Are Neko and Blobb best friends that do everything together everywhere? DO they ever have problems or what? They look quite nice and happy though like you could easily get along with them by simply saying hi to them.

Neko looks like a really care free person who has a strangely spade shaped tail for some reason. She looks nicely drawn too. Her hair and outfit are quite adorable I think and the little text beside her looks cool to me too. Can see a bit of her back and a green shirt but they are nice I think.

Blobb looks like a big happy green blob. I see some shading on him and hearts near him that make you think it is just happy to be with her too. Cool.

Overall, I found this to be an adorable art piece anyways.


Well I hope they had a great birthday, I found this to be an adorable piece, nicely done once more. They look like they would smother in hugs and kindness kindly asking what would you like to do then they would likely run along and go do it with you as well.

The background is nice since there is grass and the endless skies to put a smile on your face here. The sun and clouds are also happy which is great!!

The characters look pretty nice and the tiara is a great touch I think. The hair styles and smiles just seem to make you think they would be nice as well. The outfits are contrasting colors and pretty looking I guess. Nice looking characters though.

Overall, pretty nice birthday gift piece.

supersexybeast responds:

thank you!!! ;;OuO;;;


Well I find her to be a pretty cute but silly behaving person. I guess she would be fun to get along with as well if she was not a mean person too. Love the simplicity of the background though. The face seems goofy and as if she was trying to make you smile which seems to be a good thing if someone was feeling a bit down though.

The background is simple and fades to pink which is pretty cool.

What's that thing on her shoulder though? Just curious is all. Her shirt and bag look pretty nice and interesting to me too. The shading of her skin is nicely done here. Her eyes and face look pretty cute actually. She has short hair but I also want to think it is a guy a bit for some weird reason. I guess you could try that sometime, a dude who looks like a chick for no reason would be funny as well.

Overall, cutely interesting piece.

supersexybeast responds:

thanks! and it's a digimon haha :3

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